Intentions really boil down to one thing: make a plan where you might otherwise operate on autopilot."
For Christmas Sweet Daddy gave me this mug for my hot tea.
I spend my morning in and out, taking kids here and there. Homer is down to one good cup holder option and it's narrow. This mug fits perfectly. As an added bonus, it keeps my hot tea hot for nearly an entire day. Crazy right?
There's no rushing the tea drinking.
No big gulps.
I've been thinking about this small sips thing this week.
What if I inhaled my peace, my Jesus, in small sips? All day?
What if instead of trying to take in some big gulp in the morning falsely named "quiet time" and thinking that would get me through the day - what if I trusted there would be enough in each moment?
What if instead of worrying about each bill or unexpected expense, I trusted there would be enough in each moment?
What if instead of worrying about all the biggies with each kid, I trusted Him holding them in the moment is enough?
What if "enough" is defined differently than I think?
What if "enough" is found in small sips?
What if "enough" is found in trusting that each moment is covered?
Mama Warriors, small sips.
No big gulps.
One moment at a time.