“Don’t come to the Camino looking for answers. Instead, come with an open heart and you may be surprised by what you find.”
For years I have been interested in the El Camino de Santiago. For those not familiar, it's a 500 mile Christian pilgrimage. It starts in France, goes through the Pyrenees and ends in Santiago, Spain.
People walk the Camino for a wide variety of reasons. Some walk the whole 500ish miles, while others begin in the last leg - walking approximately 100 miles. The full trek takes 5.5 weeks (give or take), and the last leg is typically done in a full week's time.
Each person whose account I've read/seen who has walked the el Camino finishes a changed person. Perhaps a relationship grew, as happens with McCarthy and his son. Perhaps a problem is sorted. Perhaps perspective is gained. Perhaps someone merely proved to themselves that they can do hard things.
When the distractions of the world are removed, Change is inevitable.
As I began to prepare for Lent, I chose a handful of spiritual and other non fiction books to read/listen to. This past week I have been listening to "Walking with Sam." Andrew McCarthy tells of his journey of walking the Camino with his 19 year old son, Sam. Yes. St Elmo's Fire McCarthy.
McCarthy had walked the Camino once before, in his youth, and is now experiencing it all anew through the eyes of his son.
I've been thinking today about my fascination with the Camino.
I think the idea of a pilgrimage with a clear end interests me.
So much of our spiritual journeys are open ended. We are unsure of when this trial or challenge will end. We are uncertain of the outcome, the consequences, the length.
Maybe this is why I love Lent as well.
Lent is the pilgrimage to Easter.
A journey with a definite destination.
This Lent I've chosen to make changes to my daily routines that encourage me to be fully present.
One change I've made is fasting from FB scrolling. I've been disappointed in how many times I randomly reach for my phone. It's been eye opening at minimum.
I don't think Jesus cares if I use or fast from facebook.
I do think Jesus cares if I am SEEING the opportunities He places in my path.
I do think He cares if I am choosing CONNECTION over consumption.
These weeks leading up to Easter are a good time to look in the mirror and challenge yourself - how can I be more Christ like?
What would that change look like?
When we arrive at our own Santiago on Easter morning, will we be changed people?