Saturday, April 9, 2022

I know

 "I'm just a girl standing before God, asking him everything. (Apologies to Notting Hill's Julia Roberts)."

A little over a week ago, Xman had car trouble in Athens. 32 miles from our home.
We shuffled cars over the last week and got his into our favorite mechanic (locals - can't say enough good things about Youth Community Garage).
As I watched as he cleaned out his car, I realized his Bible rides on the dashboard in front of his passenger seat.
It was the last thing he removed from the car.
I was thinking about this Bible that rides around with him this week as we were out of town and he was home (mostly) solo.
Recently I mentioned to him that I found his Bible verse choices on a social media site..........interesting.
He shared the verse with me (from memory) and explained why he chose it.
He said to me, "You should have asked me about it. I would have told you."
I never know what these teenagers will tell me - voluntarily or when asked. It often seems like a crap shoot based on their mood, how much sleep they've had, how fragile I manage to phrase the question, etc.
He was right though - I questioned something about him and didn't have the decency to ask HIM about it.
I was reminded we often put a lot of weight into what we SEE, rather than placing value on what we KNOW.
I know the heart of this charming, kind, always up for a good time kid.
I know he puts thought and effort into everything he does.
I saw bible verses that read oddly out of context.
I know that kid wrestles with scripture and studies it.
Mama Warriors, raising teenagers is most definitely not for the lazy.
I'll take a classroom of highschoolers over any other age group any day BUT I'd prefer to navigate a toddler tantrum over teenage angst any day of the week.
In the moments I find myself worried, frustrated, hurt or angry, I remind myself that what I SEE isn't always what I KNOW.
I SEE that kid hanging up on me in the middle of a sentence.
I KNOW that kid is respectful and responsible and struggles sometimes to express emotions in a healthy way.
I SEE that kid leaving a mess in my kitchen.
I KNOW that kid loves to cook, makes healthy choices as he cares about his growing body and sometimes has a busier schedule than he can manage well.
Let's take a step back from what we SEE and remember what we KNOW.
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