Sunday, May 8, 2022

Just in Case

 "My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and what misses me was never meant for me." Imam Al-Shafi'i

Peanut climbed in my bed at first day light this morning exclaiming "Mommy - it's Mother's Day! Today is all about you. I'm going to do all the things for you."
It seems like one would wake the daddy on Mother's day for help doing "all the things" for the mommy. But that's never how it goes.
I was up late waiting on my wild child who seems to live his best life starting at my bedtime.
SD never waits up for him to get home. "He's fine" he says to me.
It seems he always takes the stance that unless he's informed otherwise, everything is okay.
I seem to always take the stance that we should be alert waiting for car accidents, broken down cars, situations where the kids aren't comfortable, and all the other thoughts moms think at 2 AM.
He comfortably snores while I pray.
Perhaps it's that I have too much background knowledge. I spend a lot of time with our kids and I know all the things that can go wrong.
The glitter can sleep peacefully because the glue will stay up and make sure the kids get home.
She won't sleep until she has said "Good night. I love you." and knows they are back in the nest.
It seems most of motherhood falls into the glue category.
The relentless showing up that no one seems to see or appreciate.
The being available for the "just in case."
As I groggily sip the tea that was "made for me" this morning, and watch Peanut's excited face as helps with all the things, I'm thankful for all the just in case moments.
The mornings I linger in the kitchen before they go to work - just in case they need something.
The texts and memes that circle back and forth - just in case they need something.
The afternoons I stand in the kitchen to welcome them home from all the places - just in case they need something.
The late nights I wait up for them to come in - just in case they need something.
As the kids get older, those just in case moments, are the sweet spot.
The beauty of being the glue is that you are the just in case.
Mama Warriors, as you wake on this mother's day Sunday, know that the just in case moments are not wasted.
Time and time again you send your child the message that you are available.
For those waking this morning without your just in case, I'm truly sorry for your loss. I'm praying for you this morning.
For those waking this morning whose mom was never your just in case, I'm truly sorry for your loss. I'm praying for you this morning.
For those waking this morning struggling with being the sole just in case, I'm sorry that you carry the responsibility solo. I'm praying for you this morning.
For those waking this morning yearning to be someone's just in case, I'm truly sorry for your pain. I'm praying for you this morning.
For those waking this morning groggily drinking caffeine while being the just in case, Happy Mother's Day Mama Warriors. I'm praying for you this morning.
May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors

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