"Worship isn't a task. Worship is a response." (Liz Curtis Higgs)
I have two great nemeses. Gastro stuff and dental stuff.
In some great comedic torture, it seems most health problems I encounter fall in one or the other area.
As the week dragged on, my glands were swollen in my neck. A good sign - not dental right? Then I got an ear ache. Yes! - an ear infection - not dental, right?
By Thursday I had narrowed the teeth pain to one tooth and began to worry - ugh, dental?
Bless my incredible dentist who was able to see me the same day. We did all the things. Took an x-ray. Did a physical exam of the tooth. He couldn't find anything wrong with the tooth.
Since I still have ear pain and gland discomfort, he decided to treat it like a sinus/ear infection and sent me home with a prescription.
And - my favorite phrase - "We'll wait and watch and see."
In theory, the inflammation will go down after the sinus/ear infection is cleared and my tooth won't hurt anymore.
I'm not a big supporter of the "wait and watch and see" approach.
You see "wait and watch and see" involves some trust in the system.
While I love my dentist (and my PCP for that matter) - I don't have a lot of trust in the system working for ME. Remember I tend to live that asterisk life - results may vary?
I have loads of trust in the system for YOU. I encourage my friends and family not to use Dr. Google. Find providers you feel listen to you and follow their directions.
I won't bore you with my search history this week but let's just say Dr. Google says I could be dying. Always.
I am reminded today as I take my antibiotic, use the warm compresses, attempt to sip the hot beverages..........that most relationships require some trust that the other person has your best interest at heart.
Including my relationship with Jesus.
So even though I've prayed MANY prayers this week asking for healing. Even though nothing is healed currently.
I have to shift my focus and trust that this bump is part of the road.
I have to trust He has my best interest at heart.
I have to surrender that His way is always one of "wait and watch and see."
Mama Warriors, I really do feel we have too much information and not enough wisdom.
Google will tell you a lot.
It's just guessing.
We have to be people who can "wait and watch and see."
Who pray the prayers, who show up in the big and the small, who worship as a way of life.
People who can sit in the space and trust the plan.