Sunday, October 8, 2023

Water and Worship

 "In the Bible, wisdom is rarely presented as a single decision, belief, or rule, but rather as a "way" or "path" that the sojourner must continually discern amid the twists and turns of life."

This weekend I changed the light bulbs in the ceiling fan in Peanut's room.
When I went to turn the lights off using the remote that evening, the lights dimmed, but won't turn off.
After some googling, it turns out that LED lights never fully go off in dimmer switches. There's this long electrical explanation about voltage and what not. But the bottom line is that I have to manually turn the light off at the light. We can no longer use the switch or the remote.
I was laying in bed last night thinking about how I feel a little like this ceiling fan.
Thoughts unable to turn off.
Like my remote, the ability to rest or sleep is no longer functional.
One of the things constantly swirling around in my brain is the relationships I am working on.
I missed church this past week but was able to listen to the sermon online.
The speaker said something that made me stop everything and really listen.
"What if you water and your grass doesn't get greener/better?"
She was talking about the lie we believe "the grass is always greener" and how we have to water our own grass. Quit looking at the neighbor's yard and start to really focus on our own.
But what happens when we do that, and our grass still doesn't grow?
Her response was we worship. We keep watering and we worship. Knowing that the Living Well fills the deep
hole that only He can fill.
I've been soaking that this week. Worship and water.
Worship the one who created your grass (your family, your job, your relationships, your health - whatever your "issue" is) and water your grass (pour into those relationships).
Sunday Peanut and I were walking around the yard, trying to figure out where the cool snap of Saturday went to, and I noticed how our grass grows in some places and not in others.
I had this moment where I got it.
I'm called to water the grass.
NOT to make it grow.
Sit with me there for a minute.
I'm called to pour where He calls me to pour.
I'm not called to be in charge of the outcome.
I'd love if these places I'm pouring start to grow. It's heart breaking to me that they aren't.
When I feel poured out, I'm called to remember that the Living Well fills us in ways nothing else can.
The grass growing isn't going to fill that empty spot.
Mama Warriors, we want to judge ourselves, and our efforts, by the outcomes.
I challenge you to set your measurement bar on the EFFORT.
You pour where He calls you to pour and let Him worry about growing the grass.
Water and worship folks.

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