"If we remember that we may care for ourselves and we may care for others, but it is God who cares for us all, and none of us is home yet.....If we remember that, our service to others will be as different as our sense of ourselves. There is no "us" or "them" out there, just us- all of us - lined up on the same side of God's counter." Barbara Brown Taylor
At some church kid's event sometime, Peanut learned the words to the song "We Won't be Quiet."
"We’ll shout it out loud
We won’t be quiet
We’ve fallen for You hard
And we can’t stop
We won’t deny it"
For weeks on end, she jumped up and down in the house singing "We won't be quiet."
The song basically says "Man, I've found this Jesus and he's everything I've ever wanted/needed - I just can't be quiet about it."
That lyric "we won't be quiet" has been running through my head the last few weeks.
I believe so fiercely in gospel ......in the idea that we should act justly, love mercifully and walk humbly.....that I can't be quiet.
Love is a verb.
I believe we should love our neighbors as ourselves. All the neighbors.
I'm donating to the food pantry. I'm supporting businesses that promote inclusivity. I'm calling my representatives.
I won't be quiet.
I'm flipping tables.
I realized this week..........I want everyone else to flip tables too.
In fact, I'm kind of frustrated with the Mary/Martha aspect of it all.
But that's not my call to make.
Sometimes we are in a season of flipping tables.
Other times we are in a season of retreating to the wilderness.
It's not mine to decide for others what season you are in.
It's mine to make space for both seasons.
For me.
And for you.
I've learned about ME though that often I'm not really in the wilderness.
I'm in the temple. Afraid to flip the table.
I'm in the temple sitting in the back row. Hoping no one makes eye contact with me. Because man, confrontation is tough.
If we've always sat in the row, it's hard to stand up and flip the table.
If we've always been silent, it's hard to shout out "We won't be quiet. "
It's uncomfortable.
Everything about the gospel is uncomfortable.
Everything Jesus asks of his followers involves stepping outside the comfort.
Getting up out of the back row.
Flipping some tables.
Announcing "We won't be quiet."
Mama Warriors, if you are in a season of wilderness wandering.......that's okay.
If you are in a season of sitting in the temple uncomfortably, I challenge you to take that first step.
Stand up for something.
Whisper if you can't shout.
Act justly, love mercifully, walk humbly.