Friday, July 9, 2021


 "You are not the sum of your doubts.

Struggle is where we are made strong."
Peanut and I started each day this week at swim lessons.
Eat the frog first right?
Yesterday after the last swim lesson, Peanut and I sat in Dunkin Donuts celebrating with chocolate donuts. We played one of her favorite games, Set. We laughed, we raced to find sets, we lingered in a sugar high.
We had this BIG talk there on the orange and pink stools of the Dunkin.
There will always be hard things.
Life gives us challenges to grow us, to change us, to teach us and to inspire us.
It's a given.
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;"
The darkest valley.
It's right there.
But I think we get fixated sometimes on the darkest valley part and miss the big thing before.
We are not intended to stay in the darkest valley.
We are intended to pass THROUGH.
I think to get out of the darkest valley is where the struggle is. The hard.
And sometimes, let's face it most of the times, it's easier just to set up camp in the valley.
It's easier to say "This is where I live. Change my address to 101 Valley Road."
Peanut is stuck in this BIG fear about water.
It would be easy to say "Peanut you can live in this valley with the fear about water. "
Because to get Peanut THROUGH the valley is hard.
It's stressful and challenging and relationship stretching.
But Peanut, nor you or I, are destined to live IN the valley.
We have to do the hard work and move THROUGH.
Many times I think we just don't know how. We are sitting in the valley praying and waiting.
Waiting for God to do ALL the work.
The verse doesn't say God will lift you up and set you on high ground.
It says "you are with me."
Getting out of your valley is going to take spiritual warfare. You are going to have to fight for YOU.
You have to decide that you are going THROUGH the valley. And take the first step.
Mama Warriors, if you are starting today in a deep valley, know you are not alone.
Much like getting Peanut through her valley, you need action, you need prayer, you need to seek wise counsel and support and you need to decide you are going THROUGH.
You need to accept that THROUGH is on His timing.
Which may be the hardest part.
But I think too often we say "Okay God, I'll just sit here in the valley until you get me out."
When we should say , "Okay God, I'll keep walking THROUGH the valley until it's time to rise above it."
THROUGH means growing, changing, challenging and loving.
THROUGH means finding time to celebrate the small steps.
THROUGH means embracing that THROUGH will happen.
May be an image of 1 person and indoor

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