Thursday, December 14, 2023


"Far from being a punishment,, judgement, or a curse, the wilderness is a gift. It's where we can experience the primal delight of being fully known and delighted in by God." 

Each year I've been downsizing our Christmas decorations. Picking and choosing what brings me joy, what holds sentimental value, and what simply feels like clutter. Refusing to shop for new things, no after Christmas sales for me. 

When we gathered to decorate the tree, it seems we are down to one strand of red lights, one strand of white lights, and one strand of multi color lights. 

I use the word strand loosely because the lights only go on the front of the tree - the strands weren't long enough to go all the way around. 

This is very much a Christmas of "this is what we have." 

I sit each morning with a cup of hot tea and look at this tree. 

My thought is "me too."

I'm feeling mismatched, unfinished and all over the place this month. 

I'm plugging in my Jesus lights. I'm doing my breath prayer (light of the world, be born in me). 

After the tea is drank, the book of Luke is read, the yawns begin, the wee one wakes and comes barreling into the living room. 

"Oh Mommy the tree is awake! It's so pretty!" 

I pull her warm little footie pajama body close to me and perspective washes over me. 

What we have, where we are's enough. 

Jesus looks at us and thinks "Oh - she's so pretty!"

What we have, where we are's enough. Our half working parts. Our tired and weary limbs. Our thirsty soul. 

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Loved not because or your mismatched strands but FOR your mismatched strands. 

Mama Warriors, as I sit this morning I had this twinge of guilt over all the "Christmas fun" we have not had. I watch as families traipse here and there building up "family memories."

As I worry if I should fill our already full month with something else, I hear the laughter of the wee one rise above the sounds of the house. I hear Sweet Daddy's deep belly laugh over the Muppet's Christmas carol movie. I see the crayons and coloring books, the deck of Snoopy Christmas Uno cards, the Jesus storybook bible. I smell the Pioneer Woman's baked french toast cooling on the stove. I taste joy that is a morning that affords a second cup of hot tea. 

And I'm reminded, my mismatched lights, my tired limbs, my thirsty soul is enough. 

It's enough for you too.

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