Friday, October 11, 2024

Still There

"Jesus takes the Resistance beyond prophecy, beyond songs of hope and lamentation, beyond satire and mockery, and beyond apocalyptic visions to declare the inauguration of a new kingdom. With his birth, teachings, death and resurrection, Jesus has stared a revolution. It just doesn't look the way anyone expects."

Earlier this week, Xman ran into Kroger with me on the way to drop him off for his classes. 

We were on the same aisle and I sent him further down the aisle to grab something. 

I had my back turned, and while he said "Mom" a few times - I didn't recognize his voice. 

If you haven't heard him speak recently, that deep tone is far from the little boy voice that has always been my baby. 

There are many times now that if I close my eyes, I don't recognize him. His voice is new and not familiar. 

I've been pondering this over this week. 

How someone can be so familiar, but then not at the same time? 

I've been feeling that way about God recently. 

How I can't seem to be still. How I can't hear Him. 

I got to thinking - maybe it's just His voice has changed in this season. 

I'm the kind of girl would like an email from God or a google calendar update on the changes. 

But sometimes, His voice is just the provision in a tight moment. Or the mechanics of a day working out okay. Or an illness that comes and goes. 

Sometimes it's the song on the radio, or the quote in a book. 

It's the friend who texted at just the right time. The card that shows up in the mail. The lady who lets you go first at the store. 

It's the little reminders that He cares about YOU. 

Mama Warriors, maybe you, like me, find the voice of God changing in this season. 

Maybe you hear a voice, but you don't recognize the tone. 

Maybe it's time to recognize that His voice is changing because your relationship is growing. 

Maybe He doesn't need to shout at you anymore, He knows you are ready to lean into the soft whisper. 

Tune into the tone difference. 

He's still there.

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