Sunday, January 26, 2025


"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could;some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." Ralph Waldo Emerson

In the fall of 2004, I was walking out of a Publix shopping store. I had the Xman in a baby carrier, too tiny to sit in the shopping cart. At some point in our shopping adventure, the Princess (2 at the time) had shouted "DOWN" enough times that I had gotten her out of the cart to walk. As we exited the store, I was navigating that push the buggy with one hand, while holding the wiggly 2 year olds hand, fun when all of the sudden the Princess tore her hand from mine and went running into the parking lot. 

As I darted in front of a car chasing after her, I can honestly say that may be the most immediately terrified I've been. I, thankfully, managed to reach her, scoop her up and balance that mother "oh my goodness I'm crying I'm so happy you are alive" and "I could literally shake you so I'm mad at your choice" moment. I'm not even sure we left there with our groceries. 

To this day, I still repeat the rule every single time we are anywhere with cars. "You MUST hold Mommy's hand when there are cars around. All the time." 

It's a simple rule right? - Put your hand in mine, and trust that I will keep you safe from the dangers. 

It was a rule before the Publix adventure. But because I had not (yet) had a negative experience, I wasn't as cautious with the rule. I didn't teach it diligently. I reached for her hand, but she didn't understand the dangers involved. 

As Peanut and I took a walk in our neighborhood yesterday, she reached up to grab my hand as we walked into the street. She knows the rule. She puts her trust in the rule. 

I thought to myself - how much better would my days be if I put my hand into God's before my feet hit the floor? 

If I took those extra minutes to center myself in Him. To say, "Good morning God. Let's do this. Together."

I've been in the parking lot of life without Him. I know the dangers. I've walked days without Him and I know how overwhelming they feel. 

So why do I continue to yell my own "DOWN" and just rush out with out Him? 

Mama Warriors, sometimes the days start before we can think. Sometimes the little ones call for us before we can center ourselves. Sometimes the 40 year old bladder insists we get up now. Sometimes we open our eyes and are already overwhelmed with what we think we *must* get done. 

Let's take just a moment and put our hand in His before we rush into the parking lot. Let's ask Him to hold us close, to keep us safe, to guide our steps. Let's ask Him to walk WITH us. 

And throughout the day, let's let THAT choice guide our other choices. We can respond lovingly to the little one because He walks with us. We can re-direct the teenager with firmness and grace because He walks with us. We can be kind to the cranky adults we encounter because He walks with us. We can serve Him well because He walks with us.

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