Monday, January 25, 2021

Planting Seeds

 "God meets us where we are. Not where we pretend to be."

Last night, as I was scrolling social media trying to forget the plot the in the scary book I'm reading so I could go to sleep, I came across this post

I've been thinking on this today.

You see walking worst case scenarios is where I live most days. 

I had a counselor suggest one time "walking the worst" as a way to cope with anxiety. 

What's the worst thing that could happen AND then what would I do? How would I get through it? 

Part of my current coping strategy is to plan for the worst. Think about the worst and mentally walk myself through it ahead of time. 

Peanut and I were out in the yard when we noticed that this pansy is growing just under our new back porch. 

We realized that the little pansy she brought home in a pot that was on top of our porch, at some point had fallen off, and is now growing into our yard. 

It's not where we planted it, but it's where it is growing. 

It made me think about what I plant and what actually grows. 

I desire to plant seeds of truth. 

However, I often plant seeds of anxiety. Either intentionally or accidentally. 

What if along with walking the worst case scenario, I also walked the best? 

What if I planted the seed of "what is the best thing that could happen in this scenario?"

The realist in me is hesitant and it's not my natural bend. 

Because in reality, the "best" is scientifically RARELY what occurs around here. 

But you know what, so is the worst. 

Often, it's something in the middle. 

Mama Warriors, I think sometimes when we plant pansies when we don't mean to. 

I don't know if you've ever purposefully or accidentally planted a pansy but they are sturdy little plants. Strong. Hearty. 

The truths we tell ourselves become sturdy pansies really fast. 

Let's try to be purposeful in balancing the thoughts. Let's desire to spend as much time thinking about the best case scenario as we do the worst. 

Let's plant seeds of HOPE so the middle ground we land in is fertile soil. 

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