"I wonder how many of us are waiting for God to tell us what to do rather than assuming He's waiting for us to go out and be obedient."
Xman is a little more than half way through his American Literature class this year. It's been a great class for discussion and critical thinking (two of my favorites).
Recently we were discussing a sermon and he mentioned the preacher used no bible verses. He said "My teacher would say "Where's your textual evidence?"
He's learning that it's okay to have an opinion or take a stance but you need to back that with evidence. Support it.
I've been swishing that thought around in my head the last few weeks as I've listened to countless sermons.
Tons of textual evidence.
Not always the same message.
The Bible is one of the most mis-used pieces of textual evidence in my book. I cringe when I see people cherry pick a verse, take it out of context, and pretend it supports their agenda.
You can find a verse in the Bible, when taken out of context, to support just about any stance you want to take.
The problem is that without reading the verse in context, both historically and the verses surrounding it, you mis represent the author's intent.
(stepping off my bumper sticker bible verses soapbox

Friday one of my children arrived home after a long day with these bottles of cherry coke and a bag of sweet tart jelly beans. Sweet tarts and cherry coke are my favorites.
I'm thankful to be thought of in such a personal and loving way.
Textual evidence.
The struggle is with all my children (and the husband....and the other people) is that I can find evidence that paints them as good, kind loving people AND evidence that paints them as self absorbed, frustrating people.
To which evidence am I placing the most emphasis?
To which evidence am I am watering?
Am I verbally spending more energy on painting them as the good, kind loving people they are?
Mama Warriors, raising adults is not for the faint of heart. There is some mix of tough love, grace, and a lot of tongue biting that happens daily around here.
However, I want my people to know that evidence exists not that they can be, but that they ARE, good, kind loving people.
Children of God.
As we trudge through the winter months of parenting adults, let's remember to speak textual evidence that our kids ARE all the good things we see.
Let's water that.
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