Sunday, April 9, 2023

Changed by Easter

 "Joy is a mystery because it can happen anywhere, anytime, even under the most unpromising circumstances, even in the midst of suffering with tears in its eyes." Beuchner

As I pulled out my spring decorations just after Valentine's day, I realized that other than the two gnomes Peanut and I bought at the Aldi, I own nothing that I LOVE.
All our "decorations" are an assortment of kid toys, books, movies. A hand me down item here and there.
In the quest for minimalism in our home, I'm purging that which we don't use, that I don't love, or that is just too "much."
For this year, I bought one item. This Lent spiral. We put a candle in the first spot and every morning of Lent, Peanut and I lit the candle and studied the bible.
We decided for Lent not only would we lay something down (Peanut fasted from lemonade and I fasted from social media scrolling), but more importantly, we'd pick something up.
We'd take the 40 days of Lent to create a new habit.
We'd aim to be changed by Lent.
For the last 40 days I have done a deep dive into the story of the Resurrection. I started every day with a devotional reading. Peanut and I listened to 3 of the Narnia books and did a devotional together on the parallels. I joined a weekly bible study studying the "5 R's of Easter." Peanut and I memorized the books of the Old Testament as we studied the prophecies. I listened to Father Mike read me the bible and tell me its history. I read several non fiction books about the Resurrection.
Friday I attended a Tenebrae service for the first time. As I sat in the dark sanctuary and listened to the story of the crucifixion read aloud, I was deeply moved.
Over the last 40 days, I have written down at least one thing that spoke to me in my studies every single day. As I flip through my notebook this morning, I'm thankful.
Thankful to be waking this morning to an empty tomb.
In my bible study, the teacher said "If you are too busy for God, you are too busy."
If you had asked me 40 days ago if I spent time with God every day, I would have said yes. A resounding yes.
This morning I would tell you not like I need to.
As the reader read "I am thirsty" Friday night, I thought, yes. I went into Lent deeply thirsty for MORE.
Because it is finished, we should all THIRST for more.
Much like in our physical bodies, by the time we are thirsty - our well is way too dry.
Mama Warriors as we wake this morning to Easter baskets, new church outfits and luncheons to attend, let's harness that excitement about the Resurrection.
Let's vow to wake up every day with that enthusiasm for worshipping Him.
Let's be changed by Easter.
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