Sunday, December 5, 2021

Carry Me

 "Faith is the gift of God. So is the air, but you have to breathe it. So is bread, but you have to eat it. So is water, but you have to drink it."

Peanut has not let up about Snowflake missing her skirt. It's like a puzzle she has to solve. This week she remembered last year she threw up on Snowflake and we had to wash her.
"Mama maybe we lost her skirt when we washed her? Maybe it's our fault she doesn't have her skirt."
I can't solve all the puzzles, or fix all the wrongs, but I decided I could order Snowflake a new skirt and take that worry of responsibility away from her.
Turns out there are these super creative etsy folks who make elf clothing. Who knew? Xman picked out a few and we hit "order."
Snowflake arrived this morning in one of her new skirts and all is well in the elf world again. For now.
I carry much of the Christmas magic.
Can I get an amen mama warriors?
If the elf is going to get a new skirt, it will have to be me.
If presents are going to appear magically on Christmas morning, it will have to be me.
If the advent readings are to be done, the candles to be lit, it will have to be me.
If the cards are going to be sent, the Secret Santa gifts bought, the cookies baked, it will have to be me.
Often I feel like I'm dragging these people of mine to Christmas.
Last night as I was getting out of bed in a daze to go fit Snowflake with her new skirt, I began to wonder................
Who's carrying ME to Christmas?
I began to pray "God carry me to Christmas. With hope. With peace. With joy. With love. Carry me to Christmas."
Mama Warriors, this morning in church we sang version of O Come All Ye Faithful.
"Oh come all ye faithful
Come let us adore Him
Oh sing hallelujah
Come let us adore Him"
It doesn't say "come all ye perfect" or "come all ye who are ready to come" or even "come all ye who deserve to come"
It just says "Come all ye faithful."
All ye who are carrying Christmas, come.
Let Him carry you.
May be an image of toy

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