Saturday, December 11, 2021

Short Cuts

 "We only find out where we are when we find out where He is. We only find ourselves .......when we find Him. We lost ourselves at one tree. And only find ourselves at another. ....Wise men are only wise because they make their priority the seeking of Christ."

Peanut begins every morning excitedly looking for Snowflake (her elf).
Last year I purchased a kit that gave me a little calendar and all the supplies for Snowflake to show up every day from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve with silly antics.
She loved it so much that I ordered one again this year.
My kit arrived this year missing about 1/3 of the supplies. There are entire days missing and for some of the days I have, I don't have all the necessary supplies as promised.
Every night as I pull out my magic box, I'm again disgruntled that my short cut to the elf game is not working.
That the elf magic is once again left up to me to create, carry out, and prepare for.
A lesson I've learned several times over is that often the short cut is more expensive, more time consuming, and less rewarding.
I have a stack of advent books on my shelf.
I keep expecting one of these "short cuts" to get me ready for Christmas.
That merely reading the daily blurb will be enough for me prepare Him room.
While it's a valuable piece of my journey to Christmas, it's not enough to get to me to Christmas morning.
The blurb alone won't make my heart ready for the manger.
Peanut and I have been without a car most days since Thanksgiving.
I laugh every year as God finds someway to force me to be still in this season.
We have spent more days at home than not since the day Snowflake arrived.
I'm learning that I need the long road to the manger.
I need the advent readings. I need long walks with sermons in my ears. I need to write from the heart both here, in my journal, in messages and in cards I send out.
I need to read good books with Peanut. I need to cry when the Herdmans give their ham to the church. I need to laugh at "Santa I know him!" I need Christmas hymns to flow through my home.
Mama Warriors, there is no short cut to Christmas.
If you want to wake up Christmas morning with room for Him, YOU have to prepare and make room.
May be an image of indoor and text that says 'TASTE COOKIE OAN PARTY …'

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