Thursday, January 25, 2024

Bake the Cake

 "Jesus gives us peace but we are responsible for maintaining it."

On Sunday Peanut and I visited a church for the 3rd time for Sunday service.
When we entered the building, Ms. Judy spotted us and exclaimed "Michele - stay right there!"
Impressed that Ms. Judy knows my name, I did just that. I stayed right there.
She came rushing back with this home made cake she had made us. Accompanied with this beautiful card about how we were welcomed, prayed for, and wanted.
I've been thinking about Ms. Judy and her cake this week.
She had no idea that we'd come back a 3rd Sunday, or even that it would be last Sunday.
She came prepared.
She felt led to bake the cake, to write the card. She did her part.
I like to think God did His.
We showed up.
I've been thinking this week what it looks like to follow the call of obedience.
To pray expectantly.
Because Jesus knows I like to learn things the hard way, Peanut has been very sick this week.
Out of nowhere Tuesday evening she started running a 103.5 fever consistently. No meds, no cool wash cloths, no remedies are bringing it down.
For those who know Peanut well, you know this usually means she's also throwing up.
Tuesday night I followed Ms. Judy's lead.
I prayed expectantly that Peanut would not throw up. I prayed it over her all night long.
And she didn't. Not once. Which is unheard of in Peanut illness inventory.
I wonder how often God is waiting for me to do my part. To answer my call. To pray expectantly.
So He can move.
Peanut is still running a high fever today. But because she's not throwing up, I'm able to keep her hydrated. Which you know in the parenting sick kids game is the majority of the ball game.
Each time I look at her I'm reminded that "what's important to me, is important to God."
Mama Warriors, I think sometimes we get caught up in the overwhelmingness of the big and forget the call to the small.
I want Peanut healed but forget to recognize that right now I just need her able to rest.
Ms. Judy doesn't have some big outreach program planned. She isn't creating events to draw the whole community in.
Ms. Judy is baking the cake for the ones God brings through the doors. Once she knew we existed, we were hers to minister to.
The call to the small.
And hey, there just might be Southern small town cake involved.
May be an image of tea and text

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