Friday, January 19, 2024

Foundation View

 "If we focus on the view, we forget about our foundation."

Yesterday I took Peanut roller skating. We rented a "skate trainer" (where were those things 10 years ago???) and onto the floor we went. The rule is that you had to stay in the middle circle on the skating rink with your skate trainer. Trying to get there was like trying to cross 285 at 5 on a Friday. Peanut looked up at me with anxiety.
I said - "Let's just look down at your feet. Focus on sliding your left foot, then your right foot. Like a pattern. Let Mommy steer us to the middle."
You worry about your foundation, your feet.
Let Mommy worry about the view, the skaters.
I'm sure Jesus had a little chuckle at me yesterday. You see, we've been chatting about this "one day at a time" living thing for a few weeks.
A wise friend shared with me recently that we often pray expecting SURPLUS, not just ENOUGH.
We pray "give us THIS day our daily bread."
But we don't mean it.
We mean give me manna for a few days. For a week. For a month. For a year. For the long term.
We're running around like the Israelites shoving manna into our yoga pant pockets.
We're too busy worrying about the view to look at our foundation.
The next 6 months here come with some big decisions. We are going to tackle some tough things that I know will bring change. Strife. Uncertainty. We're going to make some decisions that will force us to stand by what we say we believe. And I'm going to be asking some of the people we love to start asking some hard questions about what they believe.
And yes, I'm worrying about the view.
You see, me and my skate trainer made it to the middle of parenting. We're surrounded by people who seem to know what they are doing. They are skating fast. They are skating backwards. They seem to have it all figured out.
And we seem to be spending more time on our rear ends than our feet. We do not know what we are doing. We do know that how we are going to get across, back to the carpet, is going to look different than everyone else. It's going to be messy and hard. People are going to look. And comment.
But you see, He continually reminds me, it's not the view, it's the foundation.
We're going to get to that carpet because He will guide us.
I have NO idea what it will look like. I have NO idea what the path will be. I do know my yoga pants will have no stored manna.
One day at a time living.
Give us THIS day our daily bread.
Mama Warriors, maybe you too struggle with what I like to call my "google calendar crutch." I like it all laid out - what will happen, when it will happen, how it will happen. Advance notice.
Faith asks us to be okay in the middle of the skating rink with only ENOUGH knowledge, skill, security for that moment.
Are we praying for surplus or are we embracing enough?
I slept 3ish hours last night (fairly normal for me) - it's not a surplus, but it's enough. I know it's enough for me today because He sustains me on what He provides.
There are a stack of bills waiting for me to pay. I'm confident provision will come. Not surplus. But enough.
Big decisions for my two teens are coming. I don't know what to do. Today, I love them. With both unconditional love and tough love.
Everytime I look at Peanut I think about the deep cave in her chest. I pray "please help her never struggle to breathe." Today she doesn't struggle. It's enough.
I could list on and on my "enoughs" and my lack of surplus.
The choice is do we live in each day grateful for our "enoughs" or bitter about the lack of surplus?
34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.(Matthew 6:34)
Focus on your foundation, let Him take care of the view.
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