"We are commanded not to enjoy one another, but to love one another."
In the last 3 days, Peanut and I have traveled to see 3 different plays in 3 different cities.
While Peanut is a theater kid at heart and loves seeing plays, we may not have chosen these 3 plays if we were choosing based on plays alone.
Showing up says "This is important to YOU. So it's important to ME."
Showing up models for Peanut that in the big picture - life is not about what SHE wants to do.
It's about loving and serving those around us to the best of our ability.
It's about consistently doing the next right thing.
I logged into my facebook account last week and realized I had just over 400 friends.
To some of you that doesn't seem like many.
To some of you maybe that is a lot.
I started thinking........my average "hey look at our day" post has 10 interactions.
There are (about) 10 people doing life with me daily - which is also accurate of my in person life. There are about 10 people who message me, reach out to me, talk to me, have coffee with me, etc.
Where are the other 390?
From a statistical point of view, it's interesting to scroll your page to see what gets the most interactions.
My big kids posts get around 100. Maybe because they aren't that often. Maybe because people like/know them better than me/Peanut.
After the mathematician in me finished being quizzical, I started "unfriending" people.
Essentially these 400 people have been sitting in my living room but not talking to me.
Interesting when you think of it that way?
By the same accord, me not talking to them.
We are not showing up for each other.
We are not authentically doing life together.
We've assumed more is better.
But is it?
Mama Warriors, are we modeling for our kids the importance of showing up for each other?
Or are we on the fringe of each other's lives - feeling like we are a part of it because we see the post but never reaching beyond that?
Do we comment "praying" or do we send the card, the meal, etc?
Are we saying "This is important to YOU so it's important to ME."
I'd wager 10 people who show up is worth more than 400 people who scroll by.
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