Thursday, August 12, 2021


 "Our real resume is our relationships."

This is Buster Monroe, affectionately called "Mo."
More frequently called "Mo Trouble."
Yesterday he took my flip flop off the porch and went tearing through the yard. He's buried it under the porch where I'm not going to go get it.
He figured out how to jump on a chair and then ONTO the dining room table.
He learned how to go from one couch to the other VIA the end table, where we frequently house a drink.
He taught himself to open the trash can (with a closed lid) and take things out.
He removed a tag from one of Xman's brand new t-shirts. Upon me asking "Where did you get this?" he promptly ran and brought me the actual t-shirt. Of which he was getting out of a drawer in Xman's chest of drawers (note to the Xman CLOSE THE DRAWERS).
He dumped over a laundry basket and ate a dryer sheet.
He scratched Peanut's face in a rough game of tug of war.
He ate the cardboard box of a board game.
He found every cord, ear bud, cell phone that was left laying around.
He helped me unload the dishwasher by jumping on it. We've had so many over the years they can no longer be anchored so the entire dishwasher fell forward.
That was all in the first 6 hours of his day, combined with a nap and a meal, and lots of outside time.
I have learned that no matter how attentive I THINK I am being, it's not enough.
We've had Mo six days and I'll confess. I am weary.
The nights are long. The days are longer.
While there are MANY adorable and fantastic moments, right now there are more exhausting and tiring ones.
I'm investing.
Investing in the dog for the two kids who have been begging for one for years.
Investing in the kids by supporting them as they learn to be dog owners.
Investing in our family as we spend time together playing with Mo.
Investments take time to see dividends.
I think often times we give up during the training phase of life.
When things are challenging.
I've been watching bits and pieces of the Olympics and thinking how amazing it is to get to that level of competition in an area you love.
Those athletes did not give up during the training phase.
They showed up day after day despite injuries, exhaustion, fading interest.
They woke up each day and recommitted to the goal.
I've been tired this week and struggling to find quiet time to sit and think. To read and pray.
I'm reminded this afternoon that I'm in the training phase.
It's my responsibility to wake up every day and CHOOSE again to be a fully devoted follower of Christ.
To stick with the training plan.
Even when there are days that have far less adorable moments than frustrating ones.
Even when there are days that feel overwhelming and exhausting.
Mama Warriors, as we all tackle this back to school madness, when the schedules get crazy and the activities can outnumber the hours in a day.
Let's remember that we are in training first and foremost as followers of Christ.
Let's choose to attend all the practices, keep coming back when the burden is overwhelming and be committed.
Let's stick with the training plan.
May be an image of dog

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