Sunday, September 19, 2021

Feet of Jesus

 "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." Annie Dillard

Mo, like any puppy, has A LOT of energy. Peanut and I decided we'd try to teach him to play fetch as one way to both spend time with him and give him the opportunity to run.
We watched several youtube videos.
Step one is you play tug of war with an item that has high value to him - something he loves. The idea being you make that item seem really interesting.
Mo loved that step!
Step two is you attach the toy to a rope so you can play by swinging the toy on the ground near him, and then he "catches it" and you play tug of war with that space between the toy and you.
Mo loved that step!
Step three is to toss the toy not too far from you with the idea that now he's really into this toy and he will go get it.
Mo is not a fan of step 3.
Mo looks at the toy, and returns to my feet. Sometimes he will even run after the toy but once he realizes I did not run too, he comes right back to my feet.
You see Mo and I viewed step 1 and step 2 differently. I thought I was teaching him how to like playing with the toy.
He thought he was playing with ME.
Once I take ME out of the equation, Mo is no longer interested in the game.
We had read that cockapoo dogs were very people oriented. Typically getting overly attached to one family member (anyone want to guess which one that is?). They struggle with separation anxiety as the number one concern with the breed.
Mo would rather sit at my feet than chase anything he loves.
He loves ME more than anything else. Well, pumpkin covered kibble is a very good contender.
On my walk this morning, I could hear him in the backyard crying for me. He figured out I went out the garage door, so he went out the back door looking for me. When he couldn't find me, he laid down at the gate and cried for me.
As I walked I thought about this.
Do I want to be at the feet of Jesus more than anything else?
Am I chasing other things or am I content to be still and be led?
Mama Warriors, maybe you, like me, often feel like your days have you chasing a million directions.
Sometimes in that busyness we lose sight of where we want to be.
I wrote on my board this morning "feet of Jesus" to remind me to continually take my mind and soul right back to where I'm at my best.
I'm the best wife, the best mother, the best daughter, the best friend when I consistently put myself at the feet of Jesus.
When my daily choices are aligned with that goal.
Breathe in "feet of Jesus" (like you are smelling the best flower ever)
Breathe out "give me peace" (like you are blowing out a birthday candle, eyes closed totally giving into the moment)
Sometimes all you need to hold yourself centered is a plan.
May be an image of dog

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