Monday, October 31, 2022


 “And that’s what faith is. It’s not certainty in what we know; it’s confidence in who we know. If we had absolute truth, we wouldn’t need to have faith in God. In fact, we would be God.” Jared Byas

Sunday morning Peanut and I pulled into church I will confess a *tad* late. Like the "you are sitting on the back row" time.
She was super excited to show off one of her costumes as she was invited to wear her costume to church for some Pumpkin Challenge fun.
We walked the parking lot toward the church with several other families around. Seems "late" was the thing this week.
I could hear one family discussing the costumes. My first thought at hearing the complaints was perhaps they didn't get the email and solidarity - I always feel badly when my kids miss out on something because I can't keep a clean email inbox.
Then I realized that the growing louder complaining was her sharing her views on costumes at church.
Loudly. Walking beside me with my costumed child.
I'm sadly constantly affirmed as to why people don't see Jesus at church.
Now I don't know if she was opposed to all costumes all the time. Just costumes at church - and in that case, is Sunday morning different than a Saturday trunk or treat?
I didn't stop to ask questions. I instead tried to steer my own excited to be at church in her very much appropriate peacock dress away from her.
I'm sure she felt justified that she was speaking "truth."
And better yet, truth in a church parking lot - got to earn you some bonus stars for that right? Wait, my faith isn't based on gold stars of works and some version of right beliefs .......
I think there's a difference in speaking YOUR truth and speaking your truth in LOVE.
If YOUR truth is a weapon meant to hurt or judge someone else, it's not spoken in love. Period.
You can't speak your truth to someone in LOVE without first having a connection.
Nowhere do I see my Jesus running up to folks telling them costumes are wrong on the last day of October, or the Sunday before, in some random interaction.
He always interacts first. Always engages first. Always meets needs first. Always love first.
Mama Warriors, I challenge us to think if people met us at the park, in the Aldi, at a kid's event - would they feel welcome by us?
Would they feel FIRST loved and fully seen?
Or would they hear our commentary on their choices? Feel judged or unwelcome?
Let's be people who others want to love as we do, so we can say "I love because I am loved."
May be an image of 1 person, child and outdoors

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