Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 "Empathy is only the beginning. We must put legs on that empathy in order for it become compassion."

In between taxi duties today, I decided to treat myself to the one beauty splurge on my list - getting my eyebrows waxed. I learned long ago that I've got no tweezer skills and eyebrows that grow together. So $8 a few times a year is my splurge.
Today I approached the counter and was led into this closet. The only words spoken to me (that I understood) were "Sit here."
And then they left me in the closet with the water heater.
As I was sitting in my water heater closet, I got to thinking how crazy it is that there are times that I just blindly follow someone else's lead.
And in that same day, how many times I question and balk at what God asks me to do.
I sit in closets but I won't take His ordained steps.
I began to wonder why that's so.
Sitting in the closet is pretty easy - the time is limited, the reward is predetermined, the cost is printed on the wall.
When I say yes to Him, I often have NONE of the facts. I don't know how long this yes will last. I don't know if I will ever see fruit from the seeds I plant. I have no idea what it will cost me physically, spiritually,emotionally or mentally.
This weekend we are celebrating the Princess's summer graduation (belated) with family.
I've been pondering where the last 17 years have gone.
Just 18 years ago, I stood in a large public school building every day. I came in contact with over 100 students every day. I was finishing my masters degree. Having enlightened conversations with educators each week. I was changing the world - well, a super tiny small piece of it, but I was doing it. I was mentoring, teaching, guiding, and learning.
This week I've been wondering if I've bloomed where I've been planted?
And ever faithful that He is, I've received not one, but two messages this week about touching someone's life who does not live in my house.
And I'm reminded, that I'm called to minister to those in my path.
That I tune into the nudges. That I create quiet space for Him to speak.
I put feet on my empathy and say "me too."
But I also need to not be afraid to say yes.
To sitting in the closet whether I know how long, what for, or what the cost is.
Mama Warriors, I think sometimes we get caught up on the fact that our current mission field is "only" our kids.
But I think it's not.....I think it's our kids friends, their teachers, their friends' mams, their coaches. It's the checkout cashier at the store. It's the person who sits solo next to you at church.
You may have shortened your radius, but He hasn't shortened your reach.

Published September 2019
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