Monday, September 25, 2023

These are My People

 "We're all Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) in a way , traveling on a journey with those who are beside us, leaving home only to realize all we want to do is find home again."

Peanut is currently fascinated with all things Pokemon. She collects cards, plays the game, watches the show and reads ALL the graphic novels.
I will admit I'm pretty sure all things Pokemon is a foreign language. I only understand about 1/10 of the excitement that spews anytime Peanut talks. But I'm willing to learn a new vocabulary to be a part of her world.
A few months ago I took her for the first time to a Pokemon swap. The event included prizes for cosplay (dressing up as a character) as well opportunities to swap your cards.
She was nervous. At the time she had 12 cards in a zip loc bag that she had bought at the comic book store on a Daddy Daughter date.
The other kids had big binders with organized cards. They had apps that told you the value of a card. They had knowledge that far surpassed ours.
Peanut had this look on her face when she joined them at the table that I recognized.
The look that says "These are my people."
The kid who lead this swap came right over to introduce himself. Told Peanut he definitely wanted to trade with her.
I can assure you this kid did not NEED a card that Peanut had in her Ziploc baggie.
But making her feel WELCOME was more important to him. He sacrificed some card that made her smile.
These are Peanut's people.
People who care about PEOPLE. People who think outside the box. People who are dripping with imagination and curiosity.
Over the last year, Peanut and I have attended countless churches, youth activities, community events, classes and more. I'm desperately trying to help Peanut find her tribe.
This was the first event we attended where a kid made Peanut feel welcome.
Certainly many adults have scooped her up and made her feel loved. But when I pick her up, she's always solo.
Peanut marches to the beat of her very own drummer.
She's this incredible mix of quirky and unique, thoughtful and kind, smart and imaginative. She asks big questions. She loves big.
As I'm helping Peanut navigate the friendship waters I have to constantly remind myself.
It's not my job to make the other kids like her.
It's my job to make sure she knows she is worthy of being liked.
She's enough just as she is.
Fearfully and wonderfully made.
It's my job to be Team Peanut. To walk along side her as she navigates how to make friends and how to be a friend.
I'm thankful for those that SEE Peanut and love her authentically. For the incredible uncle who remembers she loves Pokemon and buys her the essential handbook we take everywhere we go. For the grandmother who eats a happy meal just have the box and cards to give her. And I know they'll travel on with us to the next phase - whatever that may be.
Mama Warriors, as we all haul our kids to countless events and activities - let's always remind them to be the Jesus other kids see.
Be the kid who trades cards with the new kid.
Be the kid who makes sure no one ever sits alone.
Be the kid that SEES everyone.
Let's be people who SEE our own kids and those kids He sprinkles in our path.
Let's be people who meet them where they are and remind them they are loved for who they are.
Let's be people willing to learn a new vocabulary so we can continue to communicate.
May be an image of 1 person, studying and text

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