Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Tell His Story

 "We are not the Author of our story. We are the characters."

I've spent a lot of time helping children work on plot maps for stories over the years. Exposition (beginning), Rising action (where the story develops), Climax, Falling action, Denouement (Resolution). These handy graphic organizers help you understand a story - see it develop, and figure out the author's purpose.
For example, if you think of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The exposition is the when we meet the siblings, the journey to the uncle's home. The rising action is when the children enter Narnia, develop a relationship with Aslan, free Edmund from the White Witch. The climax is when the White Witch kills Aslan. The falling action is the Resurrection of Aslan, and the ensuing battle. The denouement is the children becoming kings/queens and the departure of Aslan.
When you look at the story as a plot map, you can see the course. Where it's going.
The thing about our story is we can't see the turning point. We know our exposition - where our story began. We know what we want our denouement to be - entering the gates of heaven, greeted as a good and faithful servant.
But all that between - the rising action, the climax, the falling action - it's a work in progress.
But there are always plot twists.
Our God is a God of plot twists I believe. It's the twists that turn us to Him.
In any story, it's the suffering that grabs us. It's Aslan being tied down that grips us. The same is true of when He is writing our story. It's the suffering that grabs us. Makes us engaged, connected.
"What if suffering isn't to be avoided but received and embraced?"
What if the trials aren't mean to be danced around but rather for us to bravely face head on? Suffering makes our story richer. Suffering makes us not only NEED Jesus, but gives us a glimpse at the sacrifices that following Him entails. Suffering gives us something to share. A "me too" - I may not have walked your exact journey, but "me too"- I get that walking a journey can be tough. Can be overwhelming. Can feel burdening. Can feel alone.
God comforts us so we can comfort others. So we are able to have "me too" moments.
"We have a good Shepherd. We do not travel this road alone."
Today I'm pondering my story's climax. It seems that it *should* be the moment we ask Jesus into our hearts? That the moments before were just Him being available, planting the seed, opening our hearts.
But then, I've come to learn that there's asking Jesus into your heart and then there's NEEDING Jesus. Maybe that's your climax. Your story's turning point. When you have no where else to go. When you surrender all. When your story truly becomes His story.
Mama Warriors, I don't know what my plot map will look like when it's all said and done. I'm guessing there will be many more moments through the years where I will think I've hit a climax - a NEED Jesus, a restoration of faith, a renewal of spiritual growth. I'm thinking this won't be my only one.
But stories are meant to be shared. To be passed down. To be told. I hope today you are telling His story with your life. With each choice.

Published September 2016
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