Tuesday, September 26, 2023

We Must Try

 "God fills us with all sorts of yearnings that go against the grain of the world - but the fact that those yearnings often come to nothing, well, I doubt that's God's doing. I think we know that's men's doing........We're all yearning for a wedge of sky, aren't we? I suspect God plants these yearnings in us so we'll at least try to change the course of things. We must try, that's all."

In the last few weeks, two books have been handed to me that are set in the same time period. In the deep south, during the heart of slavery.
In both books, we read as the main character is raised in a home where owning slaves is the norm. And in both books, we watch as the main character wrestles with their own heart over the idea of owning people.
I'm going to confess. I read each book within about 24 hours of opening it. Unable to put them down.
Both captivated and nauseated at the deep truths that lie within both stories.
I've been thinking about how in both stories a main character feels deep in their soul that something everyone else believes is okay is most definitely not okay.
And they struggle. What do you do when God stirs your soul?
I wish we could all say we jump right on that stirring. That we get busy doing His work.
But I think for many of us, we at most post on social media about the injustice. Or in the least we do nothing.
When we study history change is only incited when people who feel a deep stirring ACT on that stirring.
Mama Warriors, I don't have a tidy little rambling today but more of a spool unwinding as I process.
2020 is the year of divisiveness above all else.
I feel like there are many things happening in our world today that I am just not okay with. Things many believe are okay but I firmly feel tugged that they are most definitely not.
I hope that each of you is feeling a deep stirring about something.
I pray that each of you ACTS on that deep stirring.
In a sermon I listened to this week the preacher was preaching on the Kingdom of Heaven. And this idea that we've become a society focused on self above all else.
A society that has lost sight of the kingdom.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by they name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.
What if WE are the kingdom?
What if His will is only going to be done if we are stirred to ACT?
What if the yearning planted in YOU is the course for change?
We must try, that's all.

Published Sept 2020
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