Tuesday, July 16, 2024

More. Not Less.

 "When we pray the prayer....your kingdom come, your will be done.

We are involving ourselves in the process but we are not required for the outcome
God is not limited by us."
It's no secret that I am not summer's biggest fan.
I hate the heat. Yes, hate is the right word.
I'm also not a fan of the endless days without the structure of our regular schedule.
Over the last few weeks, I've had a work contract and Peanut has had more time solo than she's used to.
She's slowly inched from my very firm screen limits into using her screen for things I don't typically consider screen usage.
Reading, listening to audiobooks, drawing.
But what I realized this weekend was that Peanut's default was becoming headphones and a kindle screen.
And I noticed that based on the behaviors I was observing.
Less eye contact. Shorter tone. Frustration when asked to put away a screen ("I'm almost done. I need a few more minutes." Endlessly). Struggles with non screen activities - less grit, less problem solving, less ability to be creative, less imaginative.
Less, less, less.
Here's the thing.
None of this is Peanut's fault.
I KNOW that we are better people when we live a mostly screen free life.
I KNOW that our family is kinder, more connected, and healthier when we have much less screen time.
I chose to ignore that because I got busy working and the summer days are long.
Not intentionally......but in little slips each day.
I'm the one that has to set the boundaries for Peanut until she learns to set them herself.
I'm the one that has to hold Peanut accountable.
So, this weekend we had a hard conversation and we've put all screens away for a while.
I've given no set time that I'm returning them.
And have shared that if/when they are returned, there will be accountability and limits.
I've reminded her that in our home screens are a tool.
Not a lifestyle.
Our lifestyle is to speak kindly to each other. Our lifestyle is to use our creativity. Our lifestyle is to move our bodies. Our lifestyle is be fully present.
In just 48 hours she's a different kid.
There's less of that tween angst (it's not all gone, I won't give you false hope). There's more paper and pencil and swinging and swimming and laughing and talking.
There's more.
Not less.
Mama Warriors, I think sometimes we lose sight of who we, or are our kids are, because we slide down this slippery slope.
We all start with good intentions and then we let convenience be our guide.
It's easier for me to text you than to call you.
But which provides a more meaningful interaction?
It's easier for me to scroll your social media than sit with over coffee to catch up on your life.
But which provides a more meaningful connection?
What will provide more?
Not less.
May be an image of 1 person, child and smiling

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