Friday, July 5, 2024

Not in Spite Of.

 "Surrender is not giving up. It's giving access." Father Mike

I glanced over during church this week and smiled as I saw the row of bracelets on Peanut's arm. They go from her wrist nearly to her elbow most days.
A few weeks ago the Princess surprised Peanut with an evening of snacks and bracelet making with some of her friends.
She, and her friends, stepped into Peanut's world for a few hours.
While those bracelets currently boast the names of her favorite characters and OC (for those not parenting an artsy kid "Original Creations"), they represent far more.
At a glance, they remind Peanut that she is fearfully and wonderfully loved for her uniqueness.
Not in spite of.
They are tangible symbols of something that Peanut may forget some days as she navigates the waters of tweendom and middle school in the years to come.
I stopped wearing my wedding rings a long time ago. For a variety of reasons the rings no longer fit.
Peanut asked me about it one time. Didn't I want people to know I was married?
I know I'm married. I didn't need the ring to tell me that.
However, about a year ago I bought a set of silicone rings (highly recommend for those who want a durable but comfortable wedding band). I started wearing my new "wedding ring" like jewelry.
You know to church and special outings but not everyday.
I realized as I looked down at my own hand this past Sunday, sporting my silver band, that it serves as a tangible reminder to me.
I'm not in this amusement park riding all these scary roller coasters by myself.
I'm part of a team.
I'm loved for the fearfully wonderfully unique person I am.
Not in spite of.
We've recently joined a church that has a lot of physical symbols and rituals.
I've taken some criticism for what some feel like is a "show."
Much like if you view Peanut's bracelets, or my wedding ring, you'll never understand the significance or need.
But if you were a part of the worship, the symbols/rituals would serve as reminders to you that you are fearfully wonderfully unique and loved.
Do you need the symbol to be those things?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Do we all need a reminder sometime of the reverence or authentic love of Jesus?
I'd wager yes.
Mama Warriors, I will confess that I cringe every time I remember it's an election year.
You won't find me spouting politics here but you will find me reminding you to make space for things you don't understand.
Consider the idea that people in your life may feel differently than you on what you consider big issues.
And consider how your judgement and ugliness will be received.
Consider for a moment that maybe it's okay for someone else to need bracelets up to their wrist even if you don't.
Are you building bridges or digging trenches with your words?
Does what you share make you a person others will feel comfortable having dialogue with?
Will people feel fearfully and wonderfully loved for who they are?
Not in spite of.
May be an image of 1 person and smiling

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