Monday, September 9, 2024

Be the Light

 Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Desmond Tutu

Last week the overhead light in my kitchen went out.
SD and Xman changed the bulbs out this weekend.
Still no light.
"The kitchen is dark" I tell SD.
And then I realize.........I can turn on the light over the sink. I can turn on the light over the stove. I can open curtains and let natural light in.
Is the kitchen as light as it once was? No.
Is there light? Yes.
Light that was always there.
I can't control the darkness.
I can only control the light.
My newsfeed is swamped in darkness.
So much so that you might think light does not exist.
I think we want to control the darkness.
We only have control over the light.
I was reminded last week that I felt similarly as I did when my two oldest first started driving cars.
I taught them all the things. Defensive driving. Wearing a seatbelt. Don't use your phone. Pay attention.
But I can't control the other drivers.
I lived in fear that someone would drive drunk, drive fast, not pay attention. That something terrible would happen to them.
I became a slave to my Life360 app. Did they get there safely?
Do you stop them from driving?
You trust the statistics.
Statistics say that good triumphs more often than not.
Light wins more than darkness.
My kids were in a terrible car accident. Totaled a car. Banged up but alive.
Did I stop them from driving?
Did I want to? Absolutely.
Would that have been what was best for them? No.
I sent them back out in a car.
Because continuing to search for light and not letting darkness win is important.
We're grasping right now for control.
I have removed myself from 3 facebook groups as of this afternoon.
Places that are breeding grounds for fear.
Thursday, my husband went to a public school 9 miles from the scene.
Thursday, my son went to a college campus.
Thursday, my daughter went to a government building.
Thursday, my youngest and I went in a church.
Those types of places have ALL been scenes of horrific events.
But we went anyway.
Because statistically good triumphs evil.
Because not only can we look for light, but we can be light.
Mama Warriors, I know you all want your babies to be "safe."
Safe at what cost?
At the cost of teaching them that evil triumphs good?
At the cost of creating kids who make decisions based on fear?
At the cost of hope?
The kitchen light may have gone out in our community for a bit.
But it's not dark.
Light exists.
Love prevails.
May be an illustration of text that says 'Pris ١ Prina. 9-9- 9-9-24 24 Lord, make me an instrument ord, กรี ょ peace be bethe the fight el be bthe the Lift REL TREL'

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