Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Hard Things

 "I remain compelled by Jesus. Not as history meant to reveal what happened long ago, but as poetry meant to illuminate a revolutionary idea powerful enough to heal and free humanity now."

About four weeks ago I woke up one morning in intense pain. I somehow had aggravated my sciatic nerve.
Now for those of you who aren't old enough to injure yourself in your sleep, your sciatic nerve runs from your neck, down your back, into your hip, down your leg and into the foot. It's a big deal.
I have inflamed mine in my lower back - thus causing pain from that point all the way into my foot. If I had to guess, it's some combination of 45 years of bad posture combined with the 15 steps up/down into my mother's house and me helping her with her chores.
I've done all the things. Heat. Ice. Stretches. Exercises. Anti-inflammatories.
What I've learned in the last month is that I now have to do those things CONSISTENTLY.
If I skip those exercises for one day, the next day I'm back to being extremely uncomfortable.
One day. That's all it takes.
So - at least once, but usually 3 times a day, this picture is me in my living room.
I'm currently so out of shape that I can not hold my leg out in the various positions so my sweet Peanut has helped me figure out how to move my leg to the different positions and still keep it straight.
Yes, it's as crazy as it looks.
Here's what I have learned. When you are in pain, it's hard to do the stretches and exercises your body needs because you are not used to them. There's no muscle memory for them. No previous skills to build on.
If you did them all along, then when pain came - you'd be ready. You'd be trained. You'd have the strength and flexibility to work through it.
Would it stop occasional issues from arising?
Would you be in better physical condition to weather them?
I'd venture yes.
Since I've spent a lot time laying on my floor, looking up our builder grade ceiling fan that someone should clean, I've been thinking about how often my physical struggles parallel my spiritual struggles.
When I begin to feel ungrounded and far from Him, it's hard to dig in. It's hard to establish the habits that I know feed my soul.
Whereas during the times of my life where I've been grounded and connected, when challenging times come, I'm ready.
It doesn't make them easier to navigate.
BUT it makes them doable because I am able to find perspective in the midst of chaos.
Mama Warriors, I call this the season of crazy. From Halloween until school starts back in January.
We are making some hard calls this year. We are upsetting some folks. We are creating new opportunities to celebrate that will look different (and I'm not taking commentary on that) .
All of that is going to take spiritual resolve.
So I'm digging in NOW. I'm soaking in sermons. I'm devouring books. I'm journaling my thoughts. I'm praying. I'm asking those close to me to pray for specific things.
I'm doing the stretches NOW so that when the injury comes, and it will, I will be ready.
Will it still be hard?
Absolutely. Setting boundaries. Sticking to your convictions. It's supposed to be hard.
But if I can authentically feel grounded, I can do hard things.
You can do hard things.

November 2020 Originally Published

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