Sunday, November 13, 2022

Remind Me

 "Expectations are a disease, like a silent killer heaping her burdens on the shoulders of a relationship until the soul bursts a pulmonary and dies. Expectations kill relationships - especially with God."

Peanut is growing up in this weird spot between having siblings and being an only child.
She doesn't have siblings to play with like the big two had in each other growing up.
Her days are spent intertwined in conversations about dating, safe driving, good versus evil, goals and more.
But she has these moments where they sweep her into their lives and interests. She knows when Taylor Swift releases new albums at midnight. She can discuss MacBeth with the best of them.
These two are 9 years apart. They've struggled with finding their way in their relationship.
You see, Peanut remembers Xman being "little" and her playmate.
At some point as she grew up, so did he.
And now his idea of a good time is no longer the "who can push who off the couch" silly game they invented.
Each morning when I scroll my timehop, I tag Xman in every picture of the two of them.
To remind him that they have a history that looks different than their relationship now.
Even if he can't remember, I can. And I can remind him.
I can remind him of the seeds he planted.
I was thinking this morning how nice it would be if we all did that for each other.
Reminded each other.
Sometimes I question where God and I stand these days. Wonder where He's at during some nights.
I appreciate those friends who remind me.
Of the seeds He planted. Of the times He has shown up before.
Mama Warriors, lets be those people who remind each other.
Sometimes more than a casual "I'll pray for you" our people need to hear - "I know God will show up for you. Here's all the ways I remember Him showing up before. "
Even if you are too overwhelmed to remember, I'll remind you.
May be an image of 2 people, people standing and indoor

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