Monday, November 14, 2022

Play Your Own Music

 "A plant isn't a flower but a weed only by function of its place."

As we've been visiting churches, I've realized one common denominator in many is the worship section of the service.
I often feel like I'm attending a concert.
Even with words on a screen, it's hard to sing along because the performers change the tempo, add a run not on the screen, or by the time I figure out the tune the song is over.
Now don't get me wrong - I'm one of those crazy folks that does like to worship through music (just don't sit near me because I was not blessed with being able to carry a tune). I take my shoes off in church and raise both hands.
However, most weeks I feel like I'm WATCHING someone worship.
Not worshipping.
I wonder some times if we are aiming to entertain or aiming for participation?
Seems like the song choices are different for each of those goals.
As I stepped out this week to use the restroom during the worship portion, I could hear the song into the lobby, into the restroom.
I realized some weeks I just don't like the songs.
Then I realized it's not the church's job to sing songs I like.
It's not their job to engage me in worship.
It's MY job to engage in worship.
Maybe that worship won't happen during the song portion of the service. Heck, it may not even happen during some sermons.
Maybe it happens on my morning walk with a spiritual podcast. Maybe it happens around my dining room table while Peanut reads me her devotion. Maybe it happens during an engaging conversation with one of my big kids.
It's MY job to gift myself opportunities to worship.
If I want to hear hymns to sing along to, there are a multitude of places to find those.
Mama Warriors, it's so easy to shift into a "me, me, me" mindset - wondering why the church is not providing what inspires us. What engages us.
I challenge it's OUR job to seek inspiration. Chose to engage.
Play our own music.
May be an image of 1 person, child, standing and outdoors

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