"Logic and limits often get in the way of longing. And longing is the key to our growth."
After listening to Dolly Parton interviewed on a podcast, I requested her newest book from the library.
It finally came in last week and I picked it up.
It is a beautiful book.
A huge book. Like a coffee table book. A heavy book.
It has pictures, song lyrics, and stories about her life.
It cost $50.00.
I've had this book nearly a week now and haven't opened it.
You see our house is the 50 cent Goodwill book kind of house.
We don't own brand new, nice things. Have you sat on my couch?
We don't own copies of new books, just the ones that have been out long enough to land in a donation pile somewhere.
I do my best reading with a cup of too full hot tea and salty popcorn mixed with chocolate chips.
I'm afraid to enjoy this book because I think I'll mess it up.
And then it will be expensive to replace.
I don't want to read this book because I may leave evidence that I've read it.
This morning I wiped off my outdoor table. I put down a towel.
And I carried this book outside with two hands.
As I set this book on the table, I could hear the words
"You are made for the $50 book life. Quit accepting the 50 cent one."
I enjoyed looking at this book this morning.
And I almost missed it because I had already decided I wasn't made for $50 book life.
2021 God gave me "fly."
I much prefer "be still."
Be still is the 50 cent life. Safe. Secure. Comfortable.
I'm not overly worried about messing it up or leaving my fingerprint on it. I don't have a lot invested in it.
Fly is big for me.
$50 Dolly Parton book big.
The 50 cent goodwill book life doesn't have the same expectations.
I'm waiting to live my $50 book life when I have it more together.
When I figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
When my children quit going through phases that keep me up all night.
The thing is I'm called to live this $50 book life right now.
We are made in His image to live a life full of joy.
We are created for the 50 cent leftover life.
Mama Warriors, maybe you too are always waiting for a better time to live into your longing.
To grow.
During this Lenten week, I challenge you to pull out that Dolly Parton book.
You were made for big.
We can't be afraid to live into the fullness that He wants to offer us.
We have to believe that we are worthy of the good, of the joyful, of the big.
We are made to not only take home those $50 books but to also read them with great joy.