Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Thin Mints and Peanut Butter

 "If you aren't willing to listen to EVERYTHING God has to say, you eventually won't hear anything He has to say. If you want to hear His comforting voice, you have to listen to His convicting voice. And its often what we want to hear the least that we need to hear the most."

This morning I laced my shoes up and head out on my morning walk. As I opened my podcast app, I realized I'm on day 28 of a "Bible in a Year" podcast. I listened to day 1, 34 days ago.
For me, not too shabby.
Normally by now I would have quit. Realized I missed a day here or there, and I would have exaggerated that I couldn't read the Bible in a year. That this year wasn't going to be the year for that.
Father Mike is currently reading Day 83.
And that's okay.
I thought today as I was walking and listening, how my success is directly related to my pairing.
I always listen to the Bible podcast when I walk.
If I want to listen to my podcast, I have to put on my shoes and walk. And if I want to walk, I have to listen to my Bible podcast.
I read somewhere earlier this year that pairing things is what makes for succesful change.
It seems those experts are right.
Our brain, and our body, over time begins to accept that two things go together. And associates them that way.
With the same ease that thin mints and peanut butter go together (if you haven't tried it, you should - freeze those thin mints and dip them in peanut butter - savory meets sweet), I can train myself to have better habits by pairing things.
I began to extend this into other areas.
I sit with my morning hot tea and a short devotion. I don't allow myself to drink my tea until I'm reading my devotion. Since starting this as part of my Lent routine, I've only missed one day.
I never miss my tea so by pairing it with something I find equally enjoyable, but just don't make time for, I've now "found" the needed 10 - 15 minutes in my day.
I play a sermon (off youtube) every time I cook dinner. I set up my kindle and push play before I do anything else in the kitchen.
I've decided nurturning my soul is important.
And I've learned that in order for me to prioritize spiritual habits, that I have to pair them with activities that are a natural part of my day.
So that now, 34 days in, I'm regularly filled with His word multiple times a day in different formats.
Mama Warriors, if you are struggling with finding time to nurture your soul, I encourage you to think about what you can pair together.
What activities occur in most of your days? A shower? A commute? An exercise routine? A house hold chore?
What spirtiual activity could you easily pair with something on your list?
May be an image of 4 people, food and text that says 'girl scouts 종門屋 thin mints Crisp, chocolaty cookies made with natural ofpeppermint. Sroger CREAMY GLUTENFREE PEANUT BUTTER FRESH Madewith NET WT OZ(255g)'

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