Friday, March 12, 2021

Put Your Shoes On

 "Leaving often masquerades as the more couragous choice. But in reality it is often easier to leave a relationship than to pursue it despite the difficulty. Stability demands forgiveness, discomfort, and often a sacrifice of the more interesting, more exciting possibility. Stability is brave."

This week has felt hard.
It seems fitting for Lent. I look at my empty coffee cup and I'm reminded that Easter is coming.
Today I woke up and thought "What now?"
When the world feels messy and the burdens feel heavy, What now?
Put on your shoes.
When you don't know what else to do, you put on your shoes.
And you do the next right thing.
I showed up for this kids I birthed both in my body and my heart.
I put pen to paper so I can show up in mailboxes of those who are hurting.
I put fingers to the keyboard and showed up in inboxes of those quarter friends I hold dear.
I put my shoes on and moved forward.
I think people who stay aren't given enough credit.
Are often taken for granted.
People who wake up every day and put their shoes on.
Even though the relationships are challenging.
Even though life can be hard.
Even though burdens can be heavy.
Mama Warriors, we have to be people who put our shoes on.
I know you don't know what to do. How to solve the large problems of the world.
But you do know how to put your shoes on.
Sometimes that's enough.
May be an image of footwear

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