Friday, May 24, 2024

You Matter

"Life is BIG in the LITTLE."

Our last day of co-op classes for this year was on May 9th. Which means we are two weeks into our summer schedule here at Thrailkill Academy.

Every year as we go into summer, I go back and forth on creating some kind of elaborate calendar to make sure we have a "fun filled summer" and just letting the days flow. 

I'm reminded this year that my goal is to INFLUENCE my children, not IMPRESS them.

I'm not their social director, their entertainment guide, their checkbook, or their personal uber driver. 

It's almost humorous to me the lengths that we go to in order to create a "fun summer" for kids when the original purpose of summer was for the kids to not have school so they could WORK at home. School used to fluctuate - with farm kids not attending in the fall and spring, during planting and harvesting. In some areas, kids took a break in the summer months because the school building had no air and it was too hot. 

The advocates of "summer" in the education field want kids to have a chance to be kids.Free from the rigidness of the traditional school day, time to focus on other interests. The flip side worries about summer regression - kids who don't read, who don't practice math facts, kids who loose progress academically over the long break. 

I giggle every year as I watch how Moms count down to summer with great anticipation. No more waking kids up, no more rushing around. Only to find a few weeks later that they are exhausted from transporting people to camp, organizing pool play dates, and complaining their kids are "bored." 

My devotion read this week shared "Life is BIG in the LITTLE."

Meaning that the BIG moments in our life, happen in the mundane of the daily LITTLE moments. 

We don't make them or create them. 

They exist because of our PROXIMITY to our kids. Because we make ourselves available. 

So, my goal for the summer is to be available. To sit near my kids. To include them in the daily rhythm of my day. To have them cook with me. To have them sort the boxes in the never ending minimalism project with me. To ask them to sit with my while we watch the rain. To take them to the grocery store individually and talk about healthy choices and favorite snacks. To sit next to them our couch while they scroll instagram. To encourage them to fill their time with balance. 

Mama Warriors, I challenge you to remember that summer is designed as a time to refresh yourself before the fall, before a new year. Not to wear yourself out further. YOU matter. YOU being well balanced, well rested, well nourished is important. 

Lamentations 3:22-24New International Version (NIV)

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”

I challenge you to pray over your summer plans. What will your goal be? How will you let that lead your summer?

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