Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Empty Jars

 "The idea of quality time is an unfortunate side effect of a culture that lacks spare time. It is the result of a set of cultural values that requires us to do what we must and only then to find time for what we want."

A nearly empty peanut butter jar is one of Mo Trouble's favorite treats that I give him.
When we've finished the jar, and just the sides remain, I give it to Mo to enjoy.
He takes it from me, runs to his mat and proceeds to paw at it and lick until he's rescued all the peanut butter he can.
And then he brings the jar back to me.
He's learned that I will take the spoonula and I will help him get the rest of the peanut butter where he can reach it.
I will help him do that which he can not do by himself.
He doesn't bring me this jar until he's done all he can do solo.
Even though I could have used my spoonula from the get go and made it so much easier for him.
I stood this morning holding this peanut butter jar thinking about how Mo and me are two of a kind a lot of days.
I do all the things I can do on my own without ever asking God for help.
Even though his spoonula skills are fabulous.
It's not until I'm stuck. Until I don't know what to do, or I can't do that I bring my jar and beg for spoonula help.
It's not until I have no other choices do I often remember to pray about all the things.
Mama Warriors as we all prepare for this holiday on which we are reminded of all the things we are thankful for, I'm reminded that I'm thankful for my faith.
I have more questions than answers. More wonderings than things I'm sure of.
But I know the great holder of the spoonula wants to help me.
It doesn't always look like I think it will.
Sometimes it's me wrestling with my peanut butter jar far longer than I would like, sometimes it's never getting those last wishes out, sometimes it's a new jar. Other times it's a season of no jars.
But I'm thankful I'm not the spoonula. I don't have to fix it all, do it all, be it all.
I can lay my jar down before I ever wrestle with it and be thankful for the gift of prayer.
May be an image of dog and indoor

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