Sunday, November 28, 2021

Show Up

 "Take time to be aware that in the very midst of our busy

preparations for the celebration of Christ’s birth in ancient Bethlehem, Christ is
reborn in the Bethlehems of our homes and daily lives. Take time, slow down, be still, be
awake to the Divine Mystery that looks so common and so ordinary yet is wondrously

Thanksgiving Day as we were watching the parade, trying to get 5 people showered and out the door, baking mac n cheese for a crowd.......Peanut says "Mama I can't wait! Snowflake comes tomorrow!"
I had ZERO idea where Snowflake was.
Snowflake goes back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve every year - which usually means stuck in the back of my 3rd nightstand drawer until next year. Where I can find her.
Last year, SD had covid, our home and our hearts were a mess and the big kids were Santa. They remembered to stash Snowflake but no one remembered where.
45 minutes in the depth of my basement - opening every box, moving every item.
Debating how hard it would be to buy a new Snowflake on Thanksgiving Day.
It felt like a huge victory when the Princess and I found her.
Snowflake showed up on Black Friday as usual. She came with a mini Christmas tree and some fake snow and looked quite festive.
When Peanut awoke she excitedly searched for her. "Mama! I found Snowflake......She's missing her skirt."
Every morning, Peanut wakes and says the same thing.
"Mama Snowflake came. She's missing her skirt."
Every morning I tell her I don't know what happened to Snowflake's skirt. Or why she appeared this year without it since she's had it since Peanut's birth.
I want to say "Snowflake is doing the best she can."
I don't say "Snowflake's new skirt is coming via snail mail."
What I do say is "It sure is fun for Snowflake to play hide and seek with you every day."
Snowflake shows up.
Even though she obviously doesn't have it all together.
Mama Warriors, I think that's what we are called to do in this season.
Show up.
Even if we don't have it all together.
Especially if we don't have it all together.
While Snowflake doesn't have her skirt, and we all know it (now), she still brings joy every single morning with her antics, her hiding skills, and the props/prizes she arrives with.
What is should always outweigh what isn't.
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