Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Front Row

 "There is much beauty in the trying, and in the failing, and in the trying again. Peter renounced Jesus three times before the cock crowed. And yet he was the rock upon whom Christ built his church."

Sunday we were late to church.
As we entered the back of the sanctuary, everyone was standing and singing.
In case you are of the type who is never late to church (who are you people???), if you arrive when people are standing, it is MUCH harder to find the empty seats. For some reason standing folks seem to take up more room than sitting folks.
Last week the preacher made a joke that there must be something wrong with the front row because no one sits on it.
I knew where there were empty seats.
The thing is I don't like to sit on the front row. I'm guessing I'm not the only one since it's always empty.
I don't like loud noises and those seats are nearly touching the speakers.
I find the angle to the screen harder to read because you are almost too close.
I don't like everyone else being behind me when I'm standing. Is my skirt all the way down? Did I brush the back of my hair? Are they watching me sing?
Nonetheless, people who are late to church can't be choosy and so to the front row we went.
I learned on Sunday the front row is not nearly as distracting as any row behind it.
Guess why not?
There is nothing else to look at but what you are supposed to be tuned in to.
There's no people watching. You really can't check your phone with the entire congregation behind you able to see your actions.
The front row is where I pay attention best it seems.
I'm going to confess - I've spent most of my life sitting on the back row EVEN IF I know sitting on the front row is what is best for me.
Choosing the comfortable rather than the called seat.
From my new front row seat, I had church experience much different than the four weeks I spent on the back row of this church.
I was forced to walk past others when I entered and exited. Given the opportunity to be welcomed, to say hello.
Church is different on the front row.
Mama Warriors, as we welcome this new school year, many of us will find ourselves in new situations.
New sports teams. New school classes. New groups.
Let's step out of our comfort zone and go where the need calls us.
Let's be people willing to sit in the front row.
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