Monday, August 1, 2022

Old Mother

 "Every time we draw a line between us and others, Jesus is always on the other side of it."

As I prayed over our new school year, I chose four "C's" for our goals.
Connection - my relationship with Peanut
Communion - Peanut's relationship with Jesus
Core - the academic goals
Community - helping Peanut feel accepted and plugged in
Our of the four, the one we've struggled the most with is Community.
Poor Peanut was born after her mother was WAY over mommy/me classes, playgroups and preschools. Her people became teenagers and moms of teenagers as we were primarily chauffeurs the first half of her life.
This summer I've realized Peanut is beginning to question who she is. Where she fits in.
There are MANY pieces to that puzzle, but gifting her community is one piece that I've made a goal this year.
So, we are visiting various children's groups gifting Peanut an opportunity to engage and see how she feels.
It's a luxury in this season as my other two take care of their own spiritual health. I don't have to search for somewhere that fits all our needs.
I took her last night to a celebration for back to school. Peanut had so much fun. There was water. Shaving cream. Bubbles, Pizza. Popsicles. All the fun things.
I will confess outdoors in July is not my idea of a good time.
I very much felt like I had entered the high school cafeteria and attempted to sit at the "cool kids table" out of place.
Someone very kindly introduced themselves to me toward the end of the event and asked me about how many kids I have. This is also where the conversation gets.........interesting.
I have 3 kids. Ages 20, 18 and 9 I say to this woman holding an infant who I could perhaps be the mother of.
"I know that people are having kids older now. I see that all the time."
There's not a lot of places that conversation is going.
On my walk this morning though I realized that she opened the door for me to share my story and I didn't even know it.
Peanut's birth, those seemingly odd 9 years between her and her brother - she's no accident, she was no surprise, she is very much the evidence of an encounter I had with Jesus.
The pastor shared Sunday morning how we often get timid about our testimonies because we think the story isn't grand enough. Maybe ours lacks drug abuse or divorce or some other news worthy headline.
Your story, he says, is YOUR personal encounter with Jesus - and that's powerful on its own.
I've been thinking today about how I have two very specific, very intentional encounters with Jesus - set a few years apart - that are my testimony.
My testimony isn't my baptism that was arranged on Mother's day because someone else thought it was a good idea.
I don't know who those two encounters are going to touch but I do know that when the door is opened next time, I'll walk through it.
I'll tell the next stranger who calls me an old mother all about how the moment when I surrendered all hope of Peanut ever existing and how clearly I heard "in My time." The moment when I said "Okay, I'm content with the path You've gifted me." and how it collided with a repair of a broken spot in our marriage and later the cutest Peanut I've ever seen.
Or maybe it will be the other story that comes flowing out.
Mama Warriors, as we enter this busy back to school time, you are bound to encounter all sorts of new folks.
Even if you already have all the friends you need, make them feel wanted. Everyone should know that they too are welcome at the table.
And when the door is opened, when there is a mention of a struggle or situations, be ready to share your testimony. Not to shove your Jesus onto to someone else but to say "this is how I got to this place - this is the encounter that changed me."
Remember that His story is a powerful one because it was written by Him.
Even if your story is one of an old mother.
May be an image of 1 person, pizza and outdoors

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