Friday, August 23, 2024

Change the Roll

"Life has valleys and mountains and the people who won’t let themselves experience the agony of being in the valley also don’t get to experience the ecstasy of the mountains."

The sight in this picture is a common one in my home. 

I know, shake your head. We have five people and two bathrooms. Four of us are here quite a bit. We go through some toilet paper. 

When I came upon this one this week, I had a my hands full of the laundry I was gathering and decided I'd have to come back and swap that out later. 

As is normal here, I got busy and when I went to use that restroom later, I realized the roll had been changed. 

Only one other person changes the roll in my house. I would bet you won't guess the right one? 


Peanut is the toilet paper roll changer. She does it without telling anyone, without drawing attention to the fact that she, at the age of 7, had to go search for another roll and replace it. She doesn't yell at her siblings who leave her with no toilet paper regularly. 

She quietly sees a need and she fills it. 

She doesn't ask if it's needed because she knows it is. 

She stands in the gap. 

I didn't sleep much last night. Somewhere between birthing a child at nearly 40, gastro madness, and 40s hormones, my body has forgotten how to sleep. 

When I can't sleep, I begin by praying for all my people. I send thoughts for each of them into the night. 

My heart is heavy for my people. 

People who are grieving hard losses. 

People who are making tough decisions. 

People who are struggling with their health. 

People who are overwhelmed with life. 

People who have broken relationships that need mending. 

I look at each of these people and wonder how in the world I can help them carry these loads?

Then I think - change the toilet paper roll. 

Stand in the gap. 

I pray for them. I write words for them and send via snail mail so they can read them again and again. I send certificates for meals (you do not want me to cook for you - trust me). I message. I check in. I am purposeful in passing down our items we no longer need to those I think may enjoy them. 

I take inventory of what I have to offer, and I change the toilet paper roll. 

I think it's really that simple. 

Loving each other well. 

We aren't called to fix each other. 

I'm not called to heal your grief, mend your broken relationship, maintain your health, or even carry the burdens you've been given. 

I am called to walk alongside you. 

To stand in the gap when you don't know how to pray. 

To remind you that you are enough, you are worthy, you are loved. 

To point you toward the One who can heal your grief, mend your broken relationship, maintain your health and even carry the burdens you've been given. 

Mama Warriors, I think a lot of times we do nothing not because we don't care. We all care very deeply. But because we don't know what to do. 

We feel like we can not make the changes that our people need. 

We are not called to be the fixer. 

We are simply called to change the roll. 

Stand in the gap. 

Walk alongside. 

I challenge you today, on this Sweet Sunday morning, to choose one friend or family member this week to change the roll for. 

Send the card. 

Offer a meal. 

Pray BIG prayers. 

Stand in the gap. 

Change the roll.

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