Friday, August 16, 2024

New is Scary

 "God gave us a brain, a heart, a conscience, his Spirit, the Scriptures, and the ability to interpret them as guides to help us select the right path." Adam Hamilton, "Half Truths"

This week our "just one more" baby started middle school.
It seems unfathomable that we are already here.
As we packed her back pack for co-op classes, I began to worry a little.
Was she ready?
Have I prepared her for the challenges of this 6th grade year?
As she picked up a back pack that weighs nearly as much as she does, I began to consider how heavy the burden of the middle school years can be.
I looked at my own planner and fretted about how I had not taken the time (despite carving out planning days for myself) to plan out our days subject by subject.
As I opened my planner, I saw the first few pages.
Where I had painted the big picture of the year.
Where I had prayed over and chosen our mission for the year.
"And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." Col 3:14
"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
This year I aim to focus on respect (act justly), kindness (love mercy) , and humility (walk humbly).
Throughout all our activities....appreciating the arts, creating, connecting, exploring and serving - we aim to bind them together in love.
As I walked her into school Tuesday, I reminded her that once, just last year, she was new.
New is scary.
We talked about how it's our job to see the new people.
It's not their job to find someone to sit with at lunch. It's our job to find someone who needs a place to sit.
It's not their job to ask how to get to the next class. It's our job to notice people looking at their schedule. It's our job to seek out the new faces.
The thing is if we are looking for ways to be the HELPER - it reminds us of what we do know.
We do know where the lunchroom is. We do know the procedure for going to the bathroom. We do know some of the faces.
Often in new situations we get caught up on what we don't know.
Because we are only thinking about ourselves.
But if we start to think about OTHERS, we can put our own anxiety into perspective.
Mama Warriors, I think we are in danger of raising a generation of entitled kids.
NOT because of materialistic gifts but because we've given them the impression that everything is about THEM.
As I walked a nervous Peanut into school, I could have easily focused on her nerves. I could have made assurances that she would be fine. Which may or may not be true.
I could have taken the stance that the first day was all about her.
But it's not. As in most of life, school is a team effort. As part of a team, it's important to SEE other people. To meet them where they are at. To respect. To be kind. To be humble.
I think we all could take a moment to SEE other people.
You aren't the only driver on the road.
You aren't the only shopper in Walmart.
You aren't the only parishioner in church.
What if we spent our days thinking "how can I be the HELPER?"
What would our community look like?
May be an image of 1 person and smiling

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