Friday, August 23, 2024

Hang the Towel

"The point of wrestling with God is to give you an opportunity to cling to him."

Our home has two bathrooms (tiny house HGTV need TWO). In each of those bathrooms, is one of these rods where you hang a hand towel. 

EVERY time I go to dry my hands, the hand towel is gone. Missing. I'm the ONLY one who can seem to replace a hand towel. 

My house is full of these kinds of things. Things I'm the only one who sees. Things I'm the only one who does. 

No one has ever thanked me for the placement of the hand towel. 

I often feel unnoticed. Unappreciated. 

I'm going to confess there are moments I feel unnoticed in my spiritual life as well. 

I'm diligently praying. Reading His word. And, sometimes I feel silence. 

Like He doesn't see me hanging the hand towel. 

Like if He did see me hanging the hand towel, He'd make Himself known. 

The problem is that I'm trying to hold God responsible for my expectations for earthly relationships. 

I'm expecting my people to show up for me because I show up for them. I'm expecting my people to hang a hand towel every now and then, or say thank you when they see one there. I'm expecting my people to give and take. 

My relationship with God can not be based on my expectations. 

It has to be based on His character. 

I have to trust that He is who He says He is even if. 

Even if He doesn't answer my prayers in the ways I see fit. 

Even if He appears to be silent. 

Even if. 

I trust His character even if. 

7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Mama Warriors, this mama gig is all about being unnoticed. Digging in and doing the hard, even if. Even if the preschooler throws a tantrum. Even if the tween rolls his eyes. Even if the teenager is sure I don't understand her. 

I'm hanging the hand towel. 

I'm showing up. I'm trusting. 

I'm trusting He has called me to be unnoticed in this season. But He notices me. He cares about me. He loves me. 

Even if.

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