Monday, April 19, 2021

Drink the Coffee

 "You discover that everything helps you learn who you are and that is why we are here. ........If you want to have loving feelings, do loving things."

"Mommy first you drink the coffee, then you do the things!"
It's funny how much they absorb, and how quickly.
I didn't drink coffee the first 7.75 years of her life. She's 8.
I realized this week that, yet again, it's time to give up coffee. I gave it up for Lent and I learned something about myself.
I'm quick to attach to routines and comfort.
I also am quick to think I "need" something I don't.
I can go from enjoying something to requiring it very quickly.
I don't want my 8 year old to think I "need" coffee to do the things.
I haven't drank an alcoholic beverage in about 10 years.
And in the 9 years before that, I can probably count on one hand the number of drinks I drank in a year.
With the exception of this one month where I learned that Target sold wine in juice boxes. I may have resembled one of those Mom memes for a month or so there.
Alcolholism has a genetic link. I"m a math girl, and the numbers are between 40 - 60% higher risk if you are genetically predisposed.
I know that I'm drawn to routines and comfort.
I know that I'm quick to attach to thinking I "need" something I don't need.
I know genetics are not on my side.
Knowing that does nothing, if I don't USE that information.
Knowing that does nothing, if it doesn't AFFECT or INFLUENCE the choices I make.
This is the conversation I have with my kids.
Genetics are a thing. I can't change it and they, unfortunately, between two sides, got a large dose.
They have to make decisions WITH that information.
They don't have the same risks as other kids, they have a far greater risk of developing an addiction.
I think we are often quick to judge each other without knowing what information the other person is making decisions with.
Let's make space for each other and accept that there are unknowns to us.
It reminds me of that church saying where we expect unsaved people to act......saved.
Not everyone has the same information we do.
So what are we doing with what we know?
Is knowing Jesus INFLUENCING the decisions we make?
Is knowing Jesus AFFECTING our choices?
Mama Warriors, I don't know what each of you are carrying. I don't know what influences and affects the decisions you make.
But I hope I create in our relationships a safe place for you to make those decisions without judgement.
I hope we see reflections of Jesus led decisions in each other.
I hope we see evidence of love.
May be an image of coffee cup

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