Friday, December 16, 2022

Antibiotic Ointment

 "Stop waiting for someone else to say that you count, that you matter, that you have worth, that you have a voice, a place, that you are called. Didn't you know, darling? The One who knit you together in your mother's womb is the one singing these words over you, you are chosen."

At the end of a very long day Thursday, I was eating chicken and dumplings soup on my couch. Somehow, I managed to spill some just below my lip and it burned off the skin. I know, skills I have.
My house seems to eat things and the neosporin that is supposed to live in my medicine cabinet was missing.
Last night my husband made a Walmart stop while out taxi driving kids. He texted "Need anything."
In mom fashion, I never remember myself and said "No."
Sweet Daddy came home last night with this box.
I'm going to confess, I may have shed a tear or two over this box.
You see, as Sweet Daddy came home with that box, I was covered in vomit. Again. Our wee one has caught the latest kid funk.
There's no moment where we don't feel seen, heard or appreciated more than when our kids are sick. We are helpless to make them better but somehow still tirelessly doing laundry, making ice chips and holding little electric blanket bodies.
As I sit this morning, sipping tea, making ice chips and washing laundry........I'm looking at our randomly lit Christmas tree and the newly wrapped gifts under it.
In this season, more than anything, I want to give people the gift of being seen.
Of being authentically loved for who they are.
I know we've all opened a gift at Christmas time and had that same puzzled thought - do they even know me?
It's hard sometimes to meet people where they are.
To love people with what they NEED rather than what you or they want.
All my parents of teens, say "Amen?"
What if loving people well is showing up with the box of triple antibiotic ointment instead of accepting the "I don't need anything?"
What if loving people well is setting boundaries?
What if loving people well is saying "this is my thing, let me serve you"?
What if loving people well just means sitting in their mess with them for a bit reminding them that they are never alone?
Mama Warriors, as we enter this last week of what I call utter chaos, let's slow down a bit.
Let's leave white space to be able to lean into His tugs and nudges.
Let's not just buy things to buy, but let's be givers of the triple antibiotic ointment.
Let's meet people where they are, love them how they need to be loved.

Published 2019
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