Thursday, December 29, 2022

Lounge Wear

 The Word became flesh and blood,

and moved into the neighborhood.
John 1:14 (MSG)
I have this revolving Amazon wish list where I stash things I've seen listed as "good" or a deal. A few months ago, someone I follow raved about this "lounge wear."
Good for sleeping. Good for hanging around the house. The advertisement clearly shows someone going out in it. I'm guessing the Bucks and Target.
My pajamas are dismal and my hanging around the house clothes all have holes from either wear or training the dog.
The Princess gifted me a set of this "lounge wear" for Christmas.
Now, the model looks ready to hit the town.
I look like I'm missing my fanny pack and am late to the 4:30 buffet.
I stood looking in the mirror trying to decide if I wanted to laugh or cry.
Why is it I can buy the same outfit as the cute model and still look NOTHING like the cute model?
I took my track suit looking outfit and put one foot in front of the other and walked my neighborhood while I pondered this phenomenon.
A fanny pack might have helped.
I was reminded that often my emotions are controlled by my expectations.
I expected this two piece outfit to transform me into something I'm not.
I'm not the mom/wife who looks well put together.
Maybe because I'm not?
Maybe my asset is I look like an approachable mess.
Mama Warriors, as we close out 2022 and are tempted to want to be new or different people in 2023, let's take a moment to appreciate the enough that we are.
Right here in our lounge wear.
May be an image of 2 people, people standing and footwear

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