Friday, December 2, 2022

Be a Mary

 "God's promise to Mary wasn't stability or security. His promise, as given through Gabriel, was that the power of the Most High would overshadow her (Luke 1:35). God redeems darkness."

Every year during advent, I am in awe of Mary.
I am reminded of that first pregnancy test I took that was positive. That moment you are overwhelmed with the knowledge that you are someone's mother.
I think about Mary running to Elizabeth with that "Oh goodness, I'm pregnant now what?" conversation.
Mary somehow survived pregnancy and childbirth with no "What to Expect" book. No team of medical doctors to give wisdom. No google to look up what is this elusive "normal."
Mary had her faith in God and the wisdom of close friends.
With the exception of that time she left Jesus at the temple, she seems to have rocked parenting. I'm thinking raising a radical outspoken young man was no picnic (perhaps I have one of those in my own house?).
She seemed to know what to do with no parenting podcasts. No pediatrician to offer advice. No blogs to read or facebook groups to join.
Mary had her faith in God and the wisdom of good friends.
I feel like in 2022 with the abundance of information we have available at our fingertips, that we have a lot to learn from Mary.
I'd assert that we have too much information and not enough wisdom.
The two are not the same thing.
What if each time we encountered a struggle we simplified our source of information to two places. God and wise friends.
What if instead of frantically searching for ALL the information we simplified our approach?
What if we prayed first?
Then we asked 1 - 2 trusted friends for wisdom. Friends who know us and our parenting intentions.
What if we channeled our inner Mary and found some trust in our Mama gut?
Mama Warriors, as I enter this season of desperately trying to find a Simple Christmas, I'm reminded to also find Simple Parenting.
Trust God.
Seek Wisdom from friends.
Be a parent who prioritizes wisdom over information.
Be a Mary.
May be an image of 1 person, dog and indoor

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