Sunday, December 11, 2022

Make Room

 The Word became flesh and blood,

and moved into the neighborhood.
We saw the glory with our own eyes,
the one-of-a-kind glory,
like Father, like Son,
Generous inside and out,
true from start to finish.
John 1: 14 MSG
For the last few weeks all my devices have been alerting me that they are out of storage.
No room at the inn it seems.
I delete a few things. A few days later I am bombarded with the same message again.
Out of storage.
I'm reminded it's MY job to make space.
As we pulled out our advent wreath today and read week 3's message of love - I was reminded.
It's MY job to make room for Jesus in December.
It's MY job to make space.
I sermon hopped this morning online. I'm not sure what I was looking for.
I'm missing the beauty that is the liturgical calendar.
The readings of scripture.
The lighting of the candles.
The making of room.
I think sometimes in trying to change the church we've lost what traditions have taught us.
We've traded hymns for trendy bands.
We've traded weekly communion for shorter services.
We've traded liturgy for sermon series.
Don't get me wrong. I like trendy bands, shorter services and sermon series. As I don't own a dress, the "come as you are" contemporary vibe fits my closet.
But I'm missing something as I prepare my heart, my mind, my home for Christmas.
In stepping away from the legalism, have we also stepped away from the good?
Have we thrown the baby out with the bath water?
Mama Warriors, I have no answers today. Just a myriad of ponderings and processing.
I challenge us to not just eat Christmas candy all season but to look for that which really nourishes us.
Maybe in your home the routines and the rhythms aren't candles to light and scripture to read but something different.
I do challenge us to create space in this season for Jesus.
I challenge us to make sure our inn has room.
May be an image of 1 person and indoor

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