Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Look for Jesus

 Kris Kringle: "Oh, Christmas isn't just a day, it's a frame of mind...and that's what's been changing. That's why I'm glad I'm here, maybe I can do something about it."

Today got off to a rocky start. Peanut woke this morning and didn't see me in our sleepover room and began to panic. By the time she got to the dining room where I was, she was beyond upset.
We snuggled, got breakfast and lit a candle to regroup.
The candle sparked and caught my dining room tablecloth on fire.
Peanut had an emergency and we couldn't get into the bathroom causing her to have an accident, which she hasn't had in years.
All before 9 AM this morning.
In case you are wondering how our day is going.
I've promised her once we get the house cleaned and some chores taken care of, and some fresh air breathed, that we will snuggle up and watch Miracle on 34th Street. We listened to the audio version of it last week and she loved it.
If you haven't seen it, go with the original classic one.
Essentially the identity of Santa Claus is put on trial. Is Santa real?
Through a media driven court case, the question becomes personal for one little girl and her mother.
I love the movie for many reasons.
I think we can all relate to having our identity questioned at some point.
Are who we say we are?
If you haven't had one yet, then maybe you haven't turned 40.
I'd hesitate to hedge that we have that same court case with our own self more often than others.
It's a story as old as time. A story that at heart can take us back to the cross.
Is "I am" who He says He is?
The thing about the Miracle on 34th Street that always strikes me is that once the mother and daughter open their heart to the IDEA of believing, their lives begin to change.
Once they believe in Santa, it changes who they are. It changes how they see the world. It changes how they behave.
I think our experience with Jesus is supposed to be the same. Once we believe, it should change who we are.
It should change how we see the world.
It should change how we behave.
The question then comes - would we recognize Jesus when we see him?
Are we looking?
Mama Warriors, I think we are all looking for HOPE in this season.
I think we are all searching for something to hold on to, something to believe.
We are all preparing for a day of Christmas. Wrapping the gifts. Buying the groceries. Making the arrangements.
I think we've missed the identity of Christmas.
Christmas is a frame of mind.
Christmas is embracing the identity of Jesus.
Christmas is always looking for Him.
Christmas is hard this year for many. Christmas looks different this year for many.
Christmas isn't some orchestrated few hours once a year.
Christmas is a frame of mind.
Let's embrace that this year.
Let's believe.
Let's look for Jesus.

Published December 2020

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