Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Hope Like Mary

 "Optimism is psychological. HOPE is theological."

When the Princess was little every Christmas baby Jesus disappeared from the nativity. I'd find him in her bed, in her pocket, hidden in her doll house. She always felt drawn to him.
Me, at Christmas, I have a heart for Mary.
It was a hard weekend here at Tkill Manor. Every time I think we've turned a corner , I'm greeted by another challenge.
Parenting is hard.
I think about Mary. I wonder did she fully understand what she was saying yes to?
I'm going to confess. I had ZERO idea what the long haul of parenting would look like. I think some folks got better manuals, or maybe just kids who followed the manual, but over here it's been a roller coaster.
If you know me, you know I like the carousel.
I think the moment in the Bible I most relate to Mary is the day she realizes she has forgotten Jesus. Gone and left him at the temple.
I wonder - did she freak out? Yell at Joseph for not making sure he was with them? Carrying a suitcase full of Mom guilt on the long trek back?
Now, another confession. There are many times in the tween/teen years where I could *easily* be convinced to leave my children at the temple. I mean, it's a safe place right?
And many times when I have been so overwhelmed with life that if they chose not to join us, I may not immediately notice.
God knew Mary was going to screw up in many little ways and He chose her anyway.
Read that again.
God knew you were going to screw up in many little ways and He chose you anyway.
I know Mary had to have had many times where she was tired. Raising a newborn who nurses all night tired. Chasing a busy toddler around tired. Discipling and disciplining a tween/teenager tired.
The thing is - I don't think Mary was ever weary.
Webster says weary is "exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness."
It offers the synonym "done."
Tired, most definitely.
But weary? No.
Weary is without strength or endurance.
Mary's well was deep.
Mary drew from God.
Mama Warriors, maybe you, like me, often think you are weary.
We both know we aren't.
Tired? Heck yeah.
Wish it were different? Easier? Most definitely.
But without strength to draw from?
We are tired. Pandemic tired. Parenting tired. All the things tired.
But we are not weary.
We have the same well to draw from as Mary did.
Breathe in Jesus.
Breathe out chaos.
The well is deep. You just have to choose to draw from it.

Published 2020
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